Losing chicks

I'm so sorry to hear that! I would feel devastated too. I hope this next batch makes it.

Well, after reading some of the reviews about Meyer Hatchery, which is the only one My Pet Chicken uses, I asked to cancel the order for a full refund. I drove to two different Tractor Supply stores today. The first had the Easter Eggers I wanted, but all straight run, and I didn't dare take a chance. At the other store, I got one Rhode Island Red (my sister's special, one of a kind chicken), three blue Wyandottes (a pale grey one, a half black/half white one, and one Sheila, who seemed to really know about chickens, said would probably grow up to be black). I also had her pick out an Easter Egger from the straight run bin that she said she was pretty sure was female because of the dark coloration, but said she'd take "her" back if she turns out to be a he.

So I now have five vigorous little peeps that cost me $13 total instead of the $68 I'd spent before to have four shipped. They are happily chomping down on their food and pecking at their water nipple in the brooder in the bedroom. My two little dogs are excited about them, so I showed them what they were, said "Those are mommy's peeps," and after they satisfied their curiosity a little, I took them out of the room. The brooder is up on a table they can't reach and the chicks can't jump out of it.

I'm feeling a whole lot better today than I did yesterday when I was out burying those poor little dead chicks, imagining what they must have gone through before they kicked the bucket.
Well, after reading some of the reviews about Meyer Hatchery, which is the only one My Pet Chicken uses, I asked to cancel the order for a full refund. I drove to two different Tractor Supply stores today. The first had the Easter Eggers I wanted, but all straight run, and I didn't dare take a chance. At the other store, I got one Rhode Island Red (my sister's special, one of a kind chicken), three blue Wyandottes (a pale grey one, a half black/half white one, and one Sheila, who seemed to really know about chickens, said would probably grow up to be black). I also had her pick out an Easter Egger from the straight run bin that she said she was pretty sure was female because of the dark coloration, but said she'd take "her" back if she turns out to be a he.

So I now have five vigorous little peeps that cost me $13 total instead of the $68 I'd spent before to have four shipped. They are happily chomping down on their food and pecking at their water nipple in the brooder in the bedroom. My two little dogs are excited about them, so I showed them what they were, said "Those are mommy's peeps," and after they satisfied their curiosity a little, I took them out of the room. The brooder is up on a table they can't reach and the chicks can't jump out of it.

I'm feeling a whole lot better today than I did yesterday when I was out burying those poor little dead chicks, imagining what they must have gone through before they kicked the bucket.
Sorry to hear about the shipping mishap...I've read too many sad stories on here to even consider it (though there are obviously stories of babies making it to their new homes seemingly unscathed, too). :hugs

Best wishes for your new flock. May they have very long and happy lives!
Well, after reading some of the reviews about Meyer Hatchery, which is the only one My Pet Chicken uses, I asked to cancel the order for a full refund. I drove to two different Tractor Supply stores today. The first had the Easter Eggers I wanted, but all straight run, and I didn't dare take a chance. At the other store, I got one Rhode Island Red (my sister's special, one of a kind chicken), three blue Wyandottes (a pale grey one, a half black/half white one, and one Sheila, who seemed to really know about chickens, said would probably grow up to be black). I also had her pick out an Easter Egger from the straight run bin that she said she was pretty sure was female because of the dark coloration, but said she'd take "her" back if she turns out to be a he.

So I now have five vigorous little peeps that cost me $13 total instead of the $68 I'd spent before to have four shipped. They are happily chomping down on their food and pecking at their water nipple in the brooder in the bedroom. My two little dogs are excited about them, so I showed them what they were, said "Those are mommy's peeps," and after they satisfied their curiosity a little, I took them out of the room. The brooder is up on a table they can't reach and the chicks can't jump out of it.

I'm feeling a whole lot better today than I did yesterday when I was out burying those poor little dead chicks, imagining what they must have gone through before they kicked the bucket.
To be honest, when a box with a short shipping time and a still-warm heat pack arrives with all chicks dead and cold, that sounds very much like carbon dioxide gassing which would be a shipping issue rather than a hatchery issue. It shouldn't happen but it does on occasion.

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