Looking threw my first aid kits

Tammy N

12 Years
Oct 9, 2011
Florence Oregon
1 for humans
1 for dog
1 for cats
nothing for my parrot or my chickens

Thinking this can not be and if anyone out there would like to give me a little adice on whats good to have on hand for the chickens and Maybe quail I would be very happy to listen

worming its been 15 yrs and so much has changed with chickens

what should i have on hand for worms ,mites ,and anything that the vet is not needed for trust me i love my vet he is just 3 hrs away and too hard to make appointments with and really ive had bad luck with the local vets ,
so just the simple stuff and if i need an emergency visit id do it .
Thank you so much this is what i was looking for.
Ill leave some of this for the Vet to do as i was a vet tech but i can not do surgery my stomach wont allow me too,

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