Looking For True Americana Day Old Chicks


13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
N. Louisiana
From what we have seen, most hatcheries sell crosses. We would like some true Americanas with beards and muffs that will breed true. They don't need to be SQ as they will just be pets. Would anyone know if Meyer hatchery has true Americanas? Or do we have a breeder on here that ships day olds?
Ameraucana chickens are what you are wanting. Chel has given you a good source. The gentlemans name is John Blehmn and he is secretary of the ameraucana breeders club. I placed an order with him in 2002,2003. Good guy! Also, you might want to go to these websites to find more information. Good luck! Johnny



This bird on my avatar is an EE (easter egger) cockerel. He is bred from two recognized color varities of ameraucana chickens. I bred him from a cross of wheaten ameraucana to white ameraucana. It produced a red pyle ameraucana cockerel. He is beautiful. Because the picture is taken from behind the bird you can not see his white beard and muffs. He is considered an EE chicken because the red pyle is not a recognized variety within the ameraucana breeders club. When you cross the recognized color varities of ameraucana, the offsprings may result in any number of color patterns. These crosses would then be considered easter egg chickens because they are of no particular recognized color variety. Only true recgonized color varieties within the ABC (ameraucana breeders club) bred true to color variety are considered Ameraucana! Easter egger or not, my red pyle bird is a keeper!
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I ship day olds as does my brother. We both have ameraucanas. All mine are bearded and muffed although I have a few hens who would not be considered "standard" colors. My website (which I need to add more pics to) is www.thehatchingpost.com.


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