Looking for some ideas/pictures chicken ramps..


9 Years
Nov 1, 2010
New Hampsha
Need to make two chicken ramps for each popp door, and a ramp for the main entrance door to my coop.
Would like to see some pictures of your ramp, entry door steps or ramp ?

Sorry I don't have a picture. We didn't make a ramp, we use a few big "logs" turned on end to make steps. We dug down a little and buried them securely. I do have to scrape them off sometimes with a putty knife, but I think they'd poop on a ramp too. Best part is the logs were already in the wood pile so it was free AND I didn't have to wait for DH to build a ramp.
Here's mine:

I got tired of waiting for DH to make the ramp (I'm not sure he really knew what exactly he was going to do) so I improvised. I used two 2x4's we had left over from coop construction, a bag of shims we had laying around the back porch for 2 years (Lord only knows why we had that many!), and leftover roofing nails from roofing the coop. I laid the 2x4's next to each other on the back patio, then took two shims for each of the "rungs" and laid them so that they formed a level square instead of the angle you get with just one shim, and nailed one nail into each end. DH nailed a scrap piece of 2x4 below the pop door and nailed the ramp to this "mounting block." It was free, used up a whole bunch of scrap material we probably wouldn't have had any use for, and I'm rather pleased with how it came out.
Oh boy! Chicken Ramps!

I spent part of my morning making 2 ramps for our elderly rooster. I was also cleaning out the work shop here, so it was all scrap materials.

I made a small one for the roost, an old door frame my maint guy had saved with some moulding cut to the width of the board. And set 6 inches apart (top of molding to top of molding) I wanted it to be easy to move for cleaning but secure too, a L shape bracket and and old shower door handle fixes the ramp to the roost.

Then I needed one for the pop door, our coop is a good 3 feet off the ground, I used two more sections of that door frame (He might have saved a few of them-pack rat) I had a tenant move and dump trash all over, including the wood slats from an Ikea bed frame, so I cut those slats up to fit both parts of the door frame. Same 6" top to top. Attached a section of pressure treated lumber to the ground end and then made a bracket to attach to the coop, Using a scrap redwood 2x4 I made one part to attach to the door threshold of the coop, fit a smaller section to my ramp, and drilled two holes to run an eye bolt in for easy removal.

I will take some pictures and post as soon as I can.

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