Looking for insight into black dusky vs black bibbed ducklings


"Even the very wise cannot see all ends.” -Gandalf
Premium Feather Member
Apr 26, 2021
Upstate South Carolina
I just had a duckling hatch from my black runner (probably not purebred) duck's egg. It is a black duckling with yellow on its chest and chin. I am trying to figure out if the likely father is my Welsh Harlequin, which could produce a black bibbed duckling, or my dusky WH/KH which would be an all dusky black. I have seen Cayuga ducklings hatch with yellow on their chests that goes away when they get their feathers, so I'm not sure if this one is the same way or if it's truly bibbed. I think the genetics would be similar to a Cayuga vs. a Black Swedish. Is there a way to tell the difference before it feathers out?

It's very vocal, taking after its Runner mother.

Sorry I can't help with the genetic details, but I had several runner crosses hatch with bibs last year. None of the parents had bibs. My runners could have been crossed with WH, Pekin, or Ancona. I was amazed how so many of my duckling crosses looked like breeds I didn't own.
I love how the crosses can come out in so many different ways! But it does make it confusing trying to guess the parents.
Hmm, that one I could go either way on! It's enough white that it could be bibbed, but it doesn't come down the chest as far as I would expect. I'm gonna tentatively stick with bibbed, but time will tell!
OK, thanks! I guess I will have to wait a few weeks to know for sure :).

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