I didn't know what breeds you were talking about, so I google searched longcrowing breeds of poultry, and didn't never hear of any of those in the list that they have. If you are looking for others to get involved with these, why don't you try to sell some hatching eggs from yours to help get people interested in them?
What are you talking about? I've been selling hatching eggs, and young adults for years. I've had Tomaru for a few years now and just added Denizli and Sanjak more recently. And what are you saying about not ever hearing about "those", LOL You obviously have no idea what you're saying but most people don't know what these are.

Sanjak are from the same area as the Kosova and Drenica. They are related but different. Do a little more than a quickie search and there they are, lol ;)
The Sanjak comes in more colors than the Kosovo, there are black, blue, mottled and a very few that are candy corn colored. Mine are still chicks but they are black mottled.

The Tomaru was developed in Japan, the Denizli in Turkey and the Sanjak in Austria. I actually donated a young pair of Tomaru to a FB group that was raising money for our poultry friends in Texas who lost everything in the hurricanes last spring. Blue Baby, That pair was bought by a woman in Arizona so there is actually a breeder there in Arizona now.

My Denizli is exactly like the one in this video

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