Long-term winter egg storage - how long?


Show me the data 👩🏼‍🔬
5 Years
Dec 14, 2018
The Great Black Swamp, Ohio
I haven’t had an egg laid since October 11!!! Hard molt + lessened sunlight has put my whole flock on strike.

I have 1 dozen left unwashed in the fridge from October 11. I am still floating and shaking each one before cracking and then using my senses to be sure of freshness.

What’s your long term storage strategy? How long do you store them?
I keep my eggs on the counter. If some are there for more than two weeks I put in fridge. I've never had the problem of them being around so long I'd wonder about eating them. Will they be "fresh"? No. Will they be anywhere near rotten? No.

An egg at room temperature will last over a month. Fridgerated easily 4 times that. Let's face it- An eggs shelf life is long.

I don't know what you're doing with a float test. Checking air cell size is just as easy with a flashlight in a dark room. Size of air cell denotes age relative to the humidity it is stored in. A humid environment wont grow the cell but the egg is still aging. So not sure what difference that makes other than it's easier to peel if hard boiled.
All the float test tells you is what you already know - how old the eggs are.

I'd have no issue eating them. My routine if there's no pullets in the flock is to start saving eggs are early as September, for winter usage.
Thanks for that helpful hint. I had just begin wondering when to start saving eggs.My girls are headed towards their first molt this fall. Somewhere I had read that placing cartons of eggs in plastic bags helps with extending storage. Going to do this, this time with our own eggs.🤠
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