Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

Can't believe we've got under a week to go on the eggs! :eek: Time always seems to fly when there's eggs in the incubator!

Hey, since y'all are on the topic of succulents... Fluffy, what are your lithops up to these days? šŸ˜
Time is crazy for me when there are eggs incubating, the first week to when I can candle just drags, and days 7 to 11 or 12 take forever too, then POOF! Chicks!
I once candled eggs that I had set just the day before because I felt like it had been longer since I set them. šŸ¤­ Needless to say, the lack of anything visibly happening was a bit alarming... until I rechecked my dates and realized my mistake!

Usually I start peeking at day 3 or 4, though. I love seeing those very first traces of veining growing in them. :love
I once candled eggs that I had set just the day before because I felt like it had been longer since I set them. šŸ¤­ Needless to say, the lack of anything visibly happening was a bit alarming... until I rechecked my dates and realized my mistake!

Usually I start peeking at day 3 or 4, though. I love seeing those very first traces of veining growing in them. :love
I love seeing the life on day 3, it's just incredible! With my new candler I can lean without disturbing šŸ˜„

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