Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

I usually remove clears on day 7, day 8 at the latest. Depends on the egg color, on light eggs that are easy to see through, clears are so obvious, so day 7 on those. Mottled or darker eggs I give an extra day just in case I am possibly not seeing them well enough.

Sorry about the eggs that aren't developing. :hugs
I was hopeful for more, but I'm not surprised.

Tomorrow will be sorting day.
I’m an engineer by trade but I wished I was an electrician for this project. :lol:
Same! Engineer and electrical is not my thing! I can wire things up, but the design is not for me :oops: tell me exactly what to buy and how to install it, but don't leave me trying to spec electrical stuff on my own :th

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