Living life on the edge (of the incubator) hatch-a-long

Over a decade ago a Polar Vortex came down the Rockies and sat on us for 3 days. -30F (-35C) for 3 straight days. Trees died, birds, rabbits, all sorts of wild creatures not accustomed to this kind of cold parished. I had 5 heat lamps, panel and oil heaters in the chicken coops and quail aviaries. I didn't lose any birds but holy crow, I couldn't be outside more than 5 mins at a time. Just brutal!
That is far too cold! Yikes! I always wonder how our wildlife gets by in these cold snaps, coyotes and foxes have burrows, but what about birds and deer?

It hurts to breath if you get around 0F 😶
Over a decade ago a Polar Vortex came down the Rockies and sat on us for 3 days. -30F (-35C) for 3 straight days. Trees died, birds, rabbits, all sorts of wild creatures not accustomed to this kind of cold parished. I had 5 heat lamps, panel and oil heaters in the chicken coops and quail aviaries. I didn't lose any birds but holy crow, I couldn't be outside more than 5 mins at a time. Just brutal!
:lau Yep. I have to drain the hose every September and haul water until April or May. Any earlier would result in split pipes.

I recall one year we had a week where the warmest it got during the day was -17*C.
Yeah, we had 0F here with windchill to -20degF two weeks ago. I cover up everything but my eyes, and sometimes I'll wear safety glasses to keep the wind off them too. Your breath goes up and freezes on your eyelashes. The moisture from your breath will also freeze in your scarf. I had a heated jacket over my insulated overalls 🤣 made it! Other areas in the US had it way colder and for longer, so I'm not going to complain 🥶

That’s pretty bad. We’ve gotten -40 a few times at night but never for more than a day or two. :th

Oh my gosh, those temps are deadly. I don't know how you guys do it, you're WAY more tolerant than me. I just want my 30°C plus weather back. Heck, I'd take 46°C over this cold!
Oh my gosh, those temps are deadly. I don't know how you guys do it, you're WAY more tolerant than me. I just want my 30°C plus weather back. Heck, I'd take 46°C over this cold!
See now I'd literally melt in your summer heat. It gets above 60F (16C) here and it's me that becomes whining baby. :lau So I guess it's all in what we are accustomed to.
See now I'd literally melt in your summer heat. It gets above 60F (16C) here and it's me that becomes whining baby. :lau So I guess it's all in what we are accustomed to.

It's true to a certain degree, although I know a lot of Greeks that consider our summers way to hot, and prefer the winter. I guess that even those are more accustomed to it than you guys
If you live somewhere warm, I can't recommend ducks enough.
If you live somewhere cold, I can't recommend ducks enough IF you're really into being miserable all winter. :p
I want ducks so bad but we have a large creek behind us and they'd swim away. Look at this post I found though.

I want these!

Maybe I could buy some of these and just let them swim away? I suppose there's a little more to that than I know though.
I want ducks so bad but we have a large creek behind us and they'd swim away. Look at this post I found though.

I want these!

Maybe I could buy some of these and just let them swim away? I suppose there's a little more to that than I know though.
I wouldn't do that, captive-bred birds aren't as equipped for life in the wild as they don't have parents to teach them about survival.
I have a creek behind my house too - never had an issue with my ducks swimming away, but if your creek is more accessible then maybe it would be an issue? My creek is sort of down a hill and thick brush.

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