Limping not improving


Jul 28, 2021
Middle Tennessee
I'm at a bit of a loss. My rooster (12 months this week) has been limping badly for three days. He doesn't show any pain response when I check for breaks and dislocations. No signs of bumblefoot, mites, bites, or respiratory issues. Eating, drinking, and voiding normally. No chickens have joined the flock in over 4 months. The 15 others are healthy. They are secured in a large run and do not free range. They eat DuMor 17% All Flock pellets. I put him in a secured kennel with food and water but he shows no signs of improvement. I don't know if any breeds are prone to issues but he's a mix of a mix (possibly Cochin, EE, Silkie, and Ayam Cemani).

Does anyone have any thoughts on the situation? I can't think of what else to do except maybe a vitamin supplement in case of deficiency.

Thank you!

I can take a video of him walking if it would help at all.
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I cannot see the video but I have had to deal with vitamin B2 deficiency which causes limping and even paralysis.
Vitamin B2 is readily available as a human supplement, and is very safe. You can mix it in the water or mash.
It takes about 4-5 days of heavy dosing to have an effect (that is just personal experience not scientifically backed) and then when it works it is like a miracle!
I have no idea if that is what your chicken has but it is a safe and no regret thing to try.
I cannot see the video but I have had to deal with vitamin B2 deficiency which causes limping and even paralysis.
Vitamin B2 is readily available as a human supplement, and is very safe. You can mix it in the water or mash.
It takes about 4-5 days of heavy dosing to have an effect (that is just personal experience not scientifically backed) and then when it works it is like a miracle!
I have no idea if that is what your chicken has but it is a safe and no regret thing to try.
Thank you so much!

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