Lime vs DE


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 17, 2008
south carolina
The local feed store says lime works the same way as DE for sprinkling on bedding and pen areas for chickens. Is he correct? He, also, said that DE is bad for chickens. That it could kill them. Does he not know what I'm talking about when I ask for DE?
Thanks, K
He probably thinks your talking of the DE that is for pool filters, which is harmful to pets. Explain to him it is food grade DE or codex and maybe print a flyer off the internet to take in to him with all the nonharmful benefits of DE
They are 2 completely different things.

DE comes in food grade(uncommon and what you need) and industrial
grade (for pools and not good for you or chickens)

Lime comes in garden (mild) and straight lime (burns)

Lime will help absorb smells as will DE but DE does so much more.

Stall Dry (contains DE) and SweatPDZ are both available at feed stores
and work well for odors. You will need food grade DE if you want to sprinkle the
chickens and plants.

Do a search here. There are plenty of online sources for DE.
I have been told the same thing by a man at our feed store.

He suggested the lime over the food grade DE and said the same thing about mortality and explained that it is due to possible inhalation. He was also able to explain the active components and origins of both the DE and the lime - it was a very convincing sell for the lime.

He did explain that they both work as well as each other, both being useful in the compost also. He said that he knew the above from experience, he had been raising chickens for decades.

Good question, I look forward to reading further replies :)
The local feed store says lime works the same way as DE for sprinkling on bedding and pen areas for chickens. Is he correct? He, also, said that DE is bad for chickens. That it could kill them. Does he not know what I'm talking about when I ask for DE?
Thanks, K
The problem is that a lot of DE is coming from "a" country overseas and is cut with a high alkali substance. Check your DE to ensure it is 100% by mixing a little with Vinegar. It should not fizz as DE is neutral base. If it fizzes in the vinegar, throw it away. Use only DE mined, milled and packaged in the U.S.
Here is a trusted brand-

Harris Diatomaceous Earth, Food Grade​

The problem is that a lot of DE is coming from "a" country overseas and is cut with a high alkali substance. Check your DE to ensure it is 100% by mixing a little with Vinegar. It should not fizz as DE is neutral base. If it fizzes in the vinegar, throw it away. Use only DE mined, milled and packaged in the U.S.
Here is a trusted brand-

Harris Diatomaceous Earth, Food Grade​

This is an old thread, you aren't likely to receive a response from the original sources.
DE, Food Grade of otherwise isn't great to breathe, especially for a chicken's complicated respiratory systems

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