Lice or Mites...The myriad methods are confusing, what is the best chemical treatment


Free Ranging
16 Years
Aug 16, 2007
Louisville, Kentucky
I moved to the city and my birds cannot find a suitable dust bathing area. I made them one but they do not like it. I will have to redo. In 30 years of chickens I've NEVER had mites or lice. So I'm late on thinking that is what this is. They've been wormed and had corid twice but I have a chicken with a very pale comb and white skin. I did see a video that shows the nits at the base of the feather so I'm thinking this is my issue. So I need something besides the diam powder to treat my birds? TIA!
Something with spinosad will work, too, as will Ivermectin applied topically. But you also have to treat their coop. THAT'S the part I hate....

Oh - edited to add Elector PSP. Expensive, but effective.
Definitely permethrin spray! I got the concentrated spray then sprayed all the coop and my birds under their wings, on the back, and by the vent. I did this twice, once a week. After a couple weeks all the mites were gone.
You can spray it directly on the birds? I have both the dust and spray but wanted to be extra sure before application. I also happen to have a beehiv in a tree next to the coop and I REALLY don't want to kill them.

Also, do you treat the run too?
You can spray it directly on the birds? I have both the dust and spray but wanted to be extra sure before application. I also happen to have a beehiv in a tree next to the coop and I REALLY don't want to kill them.

Also, do you treat the run too?
I spray my birds directly and put dust in the run. Permethrin is deadly to bees, though. The dust might be better, then.
PS. I don't know what kind of bathing area you have for your flock but I made one in an old tire with ~ 1/3 peat moss, 1/3 sand, and 1/3 soil of whatever

I have a tire that I have peat moss, wood ash and diatomaceous earth. Sand in the run BUT it's mixed with the pine bedding and dirt now. My coop is elevated 3 cinderblocks high so the bedding falls down but am gradually trying to have it as much Sand as possible. The outer run is just dirt with another bath but I need to add
I have a tire that I have peat moss, wood ash and diatomaceous earth. Sand in the run BUT it's mixed with the pine bedding and dirt now. My coop is elevated 3 cinderblocks high so the bedding falls down but am gradually trying to have it as much Sand as possible. The outer run is just dirt with another bath but I need to add
However I watched a video where the guy said to be careful of wood ash bc when it gets wet it turns to lye so I'll be stopping the use of that

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