LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

:barnieI have been struggling to read my physical book so I decided next books will be on kindle so I can change the text size, etc.Now I needed a book so I got it on kindle, after fighting to download it and I can not find the text settings. So I look it up button, still can't find it! I finally found a reply to a similar question on a forum... turns out if the kindle book is a print replica you can't change the text at all! :thOf course nowhere tells you this before you buy the book. At least it is still better then a physical book and cheaper :hmm
There are different settings in the Kindle app.
They are called ‘themes’ and you get to them via the Aa symbol at the top when you are not looking at the full page.
There is a large vs standard text and a low vision text. The low vision one is a lot bigger and also bold.
There are different settings in the Kindle app.
They are called ‘themes’ and you get to them via the Aa symbol at the top when you are not looking at the full page.
There is a large vs standard text and a low vision text. The low vision one is a lot bigger and also bold.
That is only there (for the ipad app at least) if they are not print replicas, the book I bought is a print replica 🙁
I do most of my reading on my Kindle nowadays. It's great for while I'm on the elliptical, or lying in bed.

I have found that any graphs or diagrams or illustrations totally SUCK on it, so any book with those features I buy in print.

Any kind of reference book, I prefer in print. I want to be able to refer back to it, mark pages, mark on the pages, cross reference with another book, etc.
So I think one of the broody hens had started incubating more eggs right after the others got kicked out because I decided to candle the eggs she had and they look around 2 weeks of incubation but I'm merely going off of pictures online
Well, it's nice to have a hen incubating! What breed is it? Mine has been laying for like 3 months and still hasn't gotten broody.
Well, it's nice to have a hen incubating! What breed is it? Mine has been laying for like 3 months and still hasn't gotten broody.
Both broody hens are Serama mixes.
The rooster, Scout, is a silkied Serama.
Would have had chicks 2 weeks ago but they kicked all their eggs. Thankfully they're still broody so I look forward to that
Both broody hens are Serama mixes.
The rooster, Scout, is a silkied Serama.
Would have had chicks 2 weeks ago but they kicked all their eggs. Thankfully they're still broody so I look forward to that
Oh, nice! I love seramas. I've never seen a silkie seramas mix, can you upload a picture?

My hen is a year old, has been laying for like 4 months, and still hasn't gotten broody... Silly chickens bro

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