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You don't have to report them for it to cause issues unfortunately, one AD handler I follow told a story that they where having a bad health day and was hurrying to their classes. The squeezed into the lift and their dog sniffed towards somebody (extremely common "mistake") the person started yelling at them that their dog was a fake, etc

Thats what fake spotting is doing. It also means many people including shop staff and security end up with a unrealistic expectation of AD behaviour

The entire point of ADs is to help their disabled handler, its not to have perfect obedience. The more "rules" around how the dog behaves the harder it is, the more shops who will refuse ADs because they made one tiny mistake

You don't, some countries do but UK and America don't. I actually don't support the need of paperwork either. The law being vague and the way it is allows more people to get ADs and help through that route

I probably would not be able to have an AD if paperwork was required because 1. Not all of my disability are diagnosed 2. I don't know if anywhere has trained a dog for what I need. Also need to take into consideration how long would the paperwork take (getting diagnosed, feeling it in, other issues) and Canada has some type of certificate I am not sure exactly how it works but you need to pay monthly for it. Which adds a lot onto people that are normally required to buy other expensive things for their disability and who can't work (and the dog care cost too!)

Next issue is that if you go out and forget your paperwork your stuck!(don't forget it people who are disabled who need to remember it, meaning they may have memory problems or be in pain), Imagine rushing to your doctors appointment because your late but you forgot your dog's paperwork so you can't go in!

At the second last issue those who do take their dogs illegally places most of the time have been scammed online so they have bought a certificate for their dog, I doubt they would stop once it is actually required.

Last one there is already a huge lack of education for shop staff and security, more information they need to know won't change that. How many will ask to see it? How many will not know what its supposed to look like?
Are AD dogs different from support dogs? And alright, I didn’t know that, I can’t imagine yelling at someone because a dog sniffed me 😱 I’d be embarrassed to be that person.
Are AD dogs different from support dogs?

By support dog do you mean emotional support dog? If so then yes they are different to emotional support and therapy dogs


In the UK emotional support dogs have absolutely no rights as far as I know

And alright, I didn’t know that, I can’t imagine yelling at someone because a dog sniffed me 😱 I’d be embarrassed to be that person.
Its ridiculous! I could understand just plain screaming if they where afraid of dogs but no thats not what happened 🙃
Its ridiculous! I could understand just plain screaming if they where afraid of dogs but no thats not what happened
And then there's me, who on the off days, just skitters away from the dog into the elevator corners silently. But I have yet to really say anything confrontational to strangers at any volume period
And then there's me, who on the off days, just skitters away from the dog into the elevator corners silently. But I have yet to really say anything confrontational to strangers at any volume period
If you are scared of dogs then do tell them (if you can😅 I know the struggle) I am and I know other handlers would be happy to give people space if they ask nicely! (when possible of course)
If you are scared of dogs then do tell them (if you can😅 I know the struggle) I am and I know other handlers would be happy to give people space if they ask nicely! (when possible of course)
Usually it's not too bad, especially when the dog is behaving and admittedly is a medium/smaller dog. Some days though, especially if it's a really large dog who is trying to move towards me, it still makes me get distance between us.

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