LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

That, I do not know. I'm guessing the answer is no

I'll have to set some time off today to look into it some more. One of the species I have I my book are based mostly off of Betta fish and roosters, but with the females in charge, and it occurred to me that it might be dangerous to take a tiny, newborn baby with you when hunting and patrolling

I'll have to set some time off today to look into it some more. One of the species I have I my book are based mostly off of Betta fish and roosters, but with the females in charge, and it occurred to me that it might be dangerous to take a tiny, newborn baby with you when hunting and patrolling

I do know that when hunting or patrolling, the cubs are told to hide in their dens. I just don't know if there is a female left behind to protect them. Now that I think about it, probably. But I'm not sure at all
I do know that when hunting or patrolling, the cubs are told to hide in their dens. I just don't know if there is a female left behind to protect them. Now that I think about it, probably. But I'm not sure at all
Okay. I had originally had plans to make groups with more than one female the oddity, but maybe I'll make it a bit more common that the lower ranked females are allowed to stay to help care for the leader's children. I'll have to map this out a bit more
Okay. I had originally had plans to make groups with more than one female the oddity, but maybe I'll make it a bit more common that the lower ranked females are allowed to stay to help care for the leader's children. I'll have to map this out a bit more

Sounds good. Love all the world building you're doing

She's out!!! Now for the rest of the eggs to hurry up and pip... The suspense is killing me.
Indeed indeed indeed

Between 4 and 7. 5 is a nice number though.
I think 0-1 is a better number 🙃 :th
Most people won't look at the dog's behaviour, the bar for good dog behaviour is six feet under so most people from my experience wouldn't see an issue with that behaviour

Behaviour also is unfortunately not a good way of working out if its a fake or not*. Because you most remember most assistance dogs are owner trained and all of them are own by people who are disabled which can mean off days and handling mistakes! mine have definitely looked like that before , all it takes is young dog and too many people touching them without permission. Sometimes I can't do much about it except drag them to somewhere quieter or out the shop

Also different people have different expectations of behaviour and different needs. I am training Pepsi specifically to not have laser focus on me, I even allow her to pull. Fanta has laser focus on my and I do not like it 😅 she keeps walking into things

*it actually doesn't even matter if they are fake it only matters how bad the behaviour is, if the dog is aggressive or a massive disturbance they should be asked to leave whether they are fake or not

If you have a pfm you can change it 🙁
You should just be able to change the font size in your search engine. Also don’t you need a certificate to have a service dog or service dog adjacent dog? Any dog with a service dog vest who isn’t paying attention to their owner at all or is pulling on their leash, I’m going to assume is probably a fake.
I think 0-1 is a better number 🙃 :th

You should just be able to change the font size in your search engine. Also don’t you need a certificate to have a service dog or service dog adjacent dog?
The UK and America do not require any kind of certificate for an assistance dog

Any dog with a service dog vest who isn’t paying attention to their owner at all or is pulling on their leash, I’m going to assume is probably a fake.
You can assume that but I am telling you that your wrong with assuming that. Fake spotting actually causes more issues then it fixes.Training an assistance dog is hard even for those who aren't disabled, its even harder when you add on the fact that those who owner train need the dog! As long as the dog isn't a huge nuisance there is no issue, if the dog is being a nuisance then its an issue whether its a fake or not. Fake spotting is only making it harder for those who need the dogs rather then helping them

The people who take their dogs illegaly into places won't care

Both my AD/ guide dog in training and my assistance dog pull on the leash and don't look at me when doing some of their tasks, like finding the exit or a person. they also might actually be off duty while still wearing their gear

Pulling and not looking at their handler does not mean they are out of control or a fake, there are so many reasons why they might be doing it when you see them

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