LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

From what I know, they are ruled by a matriarch. I know a tad more about hyenas, where there is the alpha female, and all the males rank below the lowest ranking female. The offspring of every female automatically has her rank (or at least until maturity). I think meerkats work slightly differently, with possibly only the matriarch producing offspring all the other females are tasked with raising
That was more than I wrote, was going to leave it up to Jacin if they wanted to hear more, so thanks for typing it all out, Fluffy! :)
I make less than 16 bucks an hour. I can't afford to do that with every outfit, especially ones I'm not going to dress up in for pictures. Hence why I watch videos and movies with similar styles.
You don’t have to buy anything. Just use stuff from your own closet. It didn’t have to look the same, it feel the exact same. And you don’t have to do it for every character. Just the major ones.
From what I know, they are ruled by a matriarch. I know a tad more about hyenas, where there is the alpha female, and all the males rank below the lowest ranking female. The offspring of every female automatically has her rank (or at least until maturity). I think meerkats work slightly differently, with possibly only the matriarch producing offspring that all the other females are tasked with raising
yeah this!
I make less than 16 bucks an hour. I can't afford to do that with every outfit, especially ones I'm not going to dress up in for pictures. Hence why I watch videos and movies with similar styles.
Plus this dude is like 2x my weight minimum of pure muscle and another foot taller. Dude could pick me up and throw me out a window without even realizing it. No way I can physically pick and and start swinging his sword like he can
From what I know, they are ruled by a matriarch. I know a tad more about hyenas, where there is the alpha female, and all the males rank below the lowest ranking female. The offspring of every female automatically has her rank (or at least until maturity). I think meerkats work slightly differently, with possibly only the matriarch producing offspring that all the other females are tasked with raising
Okay. Do you know if lower females are tasked with babysitting for hyenas?
Cute! ♥️ Best wishes with your hatch!
Thank you!

Also... I realized I made a major goof but still came out okay.

SO apparently the information I found when I was originally double checking what pairing I needed for Red Sex Links was incorrect. What I found said "Rhode Island Red Roo x Barred Rock Hens." Nope. According to this article on Red Sex Links and how to breed them, it's "Rhode Island Red Roo x Rhode Island White/Deleware/White Plymouth Rock Hens"

I accidentally bred Black Stars!!!!

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