LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

That is true. I don't know how this one managed to break through the small-holed wire (not chicken wire), and get Heartbreak-her within reach, but it will. It was pullets last time as well. They are obviously not as wary, but there is no way for them to get their heads touch if they don't voluntarily move it close to the fence
Did it cleanly take her or was there evidence of her body? Nothing more heart wrenching than finding a pile of feathers. :(
Oh there was definitely evidence. I found her next to the waterer (where she must have roosted), her whole head and neck missing
I know how sick this scene can make a person, I've lost birds out free ranging, I still can visualize the scene of feathers, feet, body parts. It's haunting for sure. :hugs
I know how sick this scene can make a person, I've lost birds out free ranging, I still can visualize the scene of feathers, feet, body parts. It's haunting for sure. :hugs

Ironically I've lost more birds inside the coop than out. Does this mean I suck at keeping my birds safe? Maybe. Each and every time you see it, your heart sinks. That, is a guarantee

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