LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Everyone but my dad went to visit my family for Christmas for a week and a half, and we got back last night. Since the coop is still being built I walked into my room and saw figgy by herself in their area. I thought maybe the other two escaped into my room because my dad might have put the barrier back wrong, but I didn’t see them. So I walked over and asked my mom where they were, and she said that blackberry and mango had gotten sick a few days ago :hit . She said that while we were gone they had passed away. Now I think we’re planning on getting more ducklings to keep her company since she’s alone, but I don’t really know since it was late last night. Does anyone have breed recommendations 😭? I don’t know how many we might get.
Massive hugs to you. :hugs
Yep. I think (most) of them are very nice people, but not when it comes to others. I am an other, and I’m ok with that.
Probably personally jaded, but in my book, that doesn't make someone a nice person. If someone is living and not harming or exploiting others intentionally with their life, then there is no reason to consider them an 'other'

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