LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I do not eat meat, which makes culling all the harder. Chicken math has to include subtraction for me. I am giving away hens this fall, they may or may not get eaten. I want chicks in the spring!
Chicken math got the better of me over the years. Since I can't process or eat my birds and my entire town is crowing and cackling with my extras, :lol: no more hatching or allowing too much broody activity for me.
Yeah, I get that. Then it's time to teach the young to fly to the desired destination :D ! You should get into seramas. I swear, one day I'm going to go to the coops and there will be zero seramas, they will have flown with the migratory birds
I have never kept Seramas, but I should. They are cute little things. ❤ They do look like powerful fliers, I suppose because they are tiny?
I have never kept Seramas, but I should. They are cute little things. ❤ They do look like powerful fliers, I suppose because they are tiny?
I want to get some when I move. They'd probably be housed with my quail and rabbits, where there's a heat source for the winters. In seoerate enclosures of course

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