LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Little bit of a rant because y'all know I'm good at that-
I just figured something out. And it hurt at first but now its funny.
The programme we watch about arranged marriages, I love that show. So do my parents. On an episode, a woman tells her parents that she's going on the show, and her family are furious and cut her off, she's upset.
At that point, my dad turns to me and says "if you ever did this, I wouldn't support you and I wouldn't come to the wedding."
It was hurtful the way he said it and even my mum gasped because, it was just so aggressive and I never said I'd even consider it. She disagreed with him on that.

I realise now that he likes the show and supports it, because those people getting married are his equals. Not his daughter. His adult daughter isn't his equal, she is his possession and he wants as much control as he can have.
And now I'm laughing because I realised something

How do I tell him he was never invited in the first place? If I get married, he wouldn't be welcome at the ceremony 😂 no dad, I'm not having an arranged marriage to a man, I'm going to choose to marry a woman 🤣
oh no. That dosent sound like a fun experience. I’m glad your mom disagrees.
Not if it messes up their minds and health, and I really don't think that two animals that would never breed in the wild should be forced to in captivity.

It's also a bit different with domestic animals like the horse/donkey mix. Mules are damn useful. But wild animals that are kept in zoos? Nope. There is no reason to do this, apart from pure hubris.

It's a very thin line.

If your referring to wild animal mixes, I completely agree. It's unethical-and pointless to keep them I'm zoos. That goes for white tigers too

Dogs Wave Hi GIF by MOODMAN

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