LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Bit of a rant, possibly TW for anyone who struggles with their mental health?

I woke up in a really good mood, planning to take the day easy, perhaps work on my new art project or try and eat something

And my mum dumps so much on me, from my animals and wanting me to change my set ups, telling me I'm a liar and a promise breaker because I've been unable to find a suitable home over the past 5 months, for my rescue rabbit and am considering adopting her myself
Telling me because of that she'll never trust me to keep my word ever again
Telling me I won't be able to look after her, my dad will become angry with me

This is all founded on how I wasn't very good at looking after my rabbits as an 11 year old. I'm considerably older now, and Bonnie relieves 5 star care based on the lessons I learned all those years ago

And then she tells me I promised her I'd help with all these jobs today, and I didn't promise that, so she's really mad at me
But I considered helping anyway and now I feel like I'm about to enter another anxiety attack.

I'm probably just being dramatic, ugh I feel so low
This isn't what I planned for today
Bit of a rant, possibly TW for anyone who struggles with their mental health?

I woke up in a really good mood, planning to take the day easy, perhaps work on my new art project or try and eat something

And my mum dumps so much on me, from my animals and wanting me to change my set ups, telling me I'm a liar and a promise breaker because I've been unable to find a suitable home over the past 5 months, for my rescue rabbit and am considering adopting her myself
Telling me because of that she'll never trust me to keep my word ever again
Telling me I won't be able to look after her, my dad will become angry with me

This is all founded on how I wasn't very good at looking after my rabbits as an 11 year old. I'm considerably older now, and Bonnie relieves 5 star care based on the lessons I learned all those years ago

And then she tells me I promised her I'd help with all these jobs today, and I didn't promise that, so she's really mad at me
But I considered helping anyway and now I feel like I'm about to enter another anxiety attack.

I'm probably just being dramatic, ugh I feel so low
This isn't what I planned for today
Hang in there, hun. Keep telling yourself it's THEIR problem, not yours, you didn't do anything wrong. Your mom is probably redirecting her own issues on you.

I know you're a great mom to all your critters, and you know it too. It's hard to have someone close to you do things like this. I wish everyone had had the accepting family and friends I did... :(

I'm glad the gift from your sister cheered you up; hold on to that happy feeling and let it bolster you through the tough times. :hugs
Hang in there, hun. Keep telling yourself it's THEIR problem, not yours, you didn't do anything wrong. Your mom is probably redirecting her own issues on you.

I know you're a great mom to all your critters, and you know it too. It's hard to have someone close to you do things like this. I wish everyone had had the accepting family and friends I did... :(

I'm glad the gift from your sister cheered you up; hold on to that happy feeling and let it bolster you through the tough times. :hugs
Thank you :hugs
Ended up compromising, I helped with one of the jobs, which wasn't fun because anxiety
But now I have the rest of the day to focus on my own jobs, with a clear conscience
Still have those stresses about Bonnie and that now, though
I do not envy any of you in the states... I still kind of wish I were there though, I'd take to the streets and march.
Where the heck do politicians get the nerve to take away people's health care.
Makes my blood boil
Don't wish you were here. Lots of us wish we were there.

Germany isn't looking half bad right now for me honestly. Though I know it's just grass being greener on the other side

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