LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I'm useless with this kind of thing, but waiting with you to hear suggestions lol :caf
Me too

I am quite prepared to kick any small dogs that come to close to mine! Unless it is of course a accident that the dog is loose. It is stressful when I see other dogs specially when I am with my assistance dog :( it really shouldn’t be
Me too

I am quite prepared to kick any small dogs that come to close to mine! Unless it is of course a accident that the dog is loose. It is stressful when I see other dogs specially when I am with my assistance dog :( it really shouldn’t be
Some dog owners are so unfair, and selfish.
Act like they own the dog park, don't control their dogs, don't even clean up after them...
Yeah we carry a stun gun with us when we go on dog walks. And it's all to keep the other dogs away. One of our dogs is not dog friendly. One time we were attacked by two dogs (were hanging in garage with humans, no leads, no collars). We didn't have anything at this time other than ourselves. They got mad when I was kicking their dog to try and protect my dog. My brother had to pick up their dog (dense medium dog so not the easiest) and hand them over. One of the dogs went after our not dog friendly dog, it did not go well for the attacking dog.
and they all look up to Andrew Tate I bet 😭
We were doing an art project to draw someone you admire and our art teacher was out because of a broken wrist so our like college age ta was in charge and this one kid would not give up on drawing andrew tate. Like nothing was convincing him otherwise. Finally our art teacher got back and now he’s drawing karen. As in just a karen
We were doing an art project to draw someone you admire and our art teacher was out because of a broken wrist so our like college age ta was in charge and this one kid would not give up on drawing andrew tate. Like nothing was convincing him otherwise. Finally our art teacher got back and now he’s drawing karen. As in just a karen
what the actual—
😭 nah I bet the drawing looked like Ren from ren and stimpy because that’s literally what that man looks like

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