LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I went to check on the sheep today because suspiciously they have not been in their pasture all day. As soon as I opened the barn doors they bolted back into their pen—someone had left their gate wide open and they had been pissing and pooping all over the barn and getting into the old hay bales. As soon as I locked them back in they went back out to grazing their pasture.
Also someone (same person??) had left the lid off the cracked corn and I found a dead mouse in there, in full rigor mortis, with blood on its neck. I also saw blood drops on the tin bucket lids. I hope it just cut itself and a predator didn’t get it, because I would be fearful for my chickens then.
AND, just last week, our chicken sitter forgot to fill our chickens’ water and nearly dehydrated them. All 3 of these things happened while me and my sisters were away. Goes to show what happens when we aren’t around to take care of them haha
Anyway I had to clean that all up. Didn’t take long but was still not fun.
Noooo come back! 😭😱
I’m back and now straight /j

how’s everyone been :0
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I’m back and now straight /j

how’s everyone been :0
I think one of my sheep may be poisoned since she accidentally got into the cracked corn. Everyone’s worried since she’s the favorite but though she’s super cute I just find her annoying and am not very attached. Idk, I’m more of a chicken gal myself :confused:
Sometimes I think the chickens are smarter than the sheep. (Exception being the silkies haha) Seriously, I lose brain cells just watching them.
I think one of my sheep may be poisoned since she accidentally got into the cracked corn. Everyone’s worried since she’s the favorite but though she’s super cute I just find her annoying and am not very attached. Idk, I’m more of a chicken gal myself :confused:
Sometimes I think the chickens are smarter than the sheep. (Exception being the silkies haha) Seriously, I lose brain cells just watching them.
Oh wow :0
I hope your sheep recovers if she did get poisoned :<
Lmao felt that tho you got your favorite kids and those you hardly care about 🤣🤣🤣
I have recently started questioning things. I have a crush on a really pretty girl and it's kind of confusing. I don't know why but I thought I would say something here.
Hey there welcome to the thread. It’s perfectly fine to question things, and it's okay to be confused. Just take your time when figuring yourself out, everyone's story and process of figuring out their sexuality is different. :hugs Myself and others on this thread are here for you.

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