LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Thank you for your wonderful, calm explanation. I totally feel what you’re saying about feeling behind in AG. I’m currently going through the college application process, and it’s kind of freaking me out. I want to go to college for AG, but I’m worried about getting discriminated as a gay trans man. So even if I’m younger I relate to what you’re saying.
Good luck. Hope you kick arse!!
Happy pride month to everyone <333

I’ve been hoping to come out this month. Not really because it’s pride month, but because I need to get a grip on myself and because I have spiraled to a point where my only option is to speak up and ask for help. It took me years to accept this part of myself and I can only hope that the people in my life who I intend to tell will listen and accept me much more quickly. Anyone else in my same boat?
Happy pride month to everyone <333

I’ve been hoping to come out this month. Not really because it’s pride month, but because I need to get a grip on myself and because I have spiraled to a point where my only option is to speak up and ask for help. It took me years to accept this part of myself and I can only hope that the people in my life who I intend to tell will listen and accept me much more quickly. Anyone else in my same boat?
you got this.
Happy pride month to everyone <333

I’ve been hoping to come out this month. Not really because it’s pride month, but because I need to get a grip on myself and because I have spiraled to a point where my only option is to speak up and ask for help. It took me years to accept this part of myself and I can only hope that the people in my life who I intend to tell will listen and accept me much more quickly. Anyone else in my same boat?
I can definitely relate. I’ve only been out for I think two years (?) and I’m strongly confident in my identity because it’s who I accepted myself as after years of internalized homophobia. I still haven’t reached that point of telling my close family, because I fear the chances of them treating me differently.
My daughter didn't come out to me. I knew she wanted to, but I knew she was afraid. So I took her out for coffee and told her we all knew she was gay and that we loved her. It was awesome.

For years I wondered what vibes I was giving off to make her think we would have been stupid about it, but she said it was about her and not me.

I wonder if your family knows already like we did??? I can't pretend that I know what you're going through, but I hope all goes well for you in whatever you choose to do.
My daughter didn't come out to me. I knew she wanted to, but I knew she was afraid. So I took her out for coffee and told her we all knew she was gay and that we loved her. It was awesome.
Personally I feel being confronted by it like that wouldn’t work out well for me. I tend to panic in moments like that and forget to say all of the things that were most important to me and the situation. It makes sense why you did that for her and it sounds to me like it was a good thing, however if someone in my family did that I think I would dip out and put the conversation on hold until I could prepare myself. Coming out as trans requires a lot more explanation and detail so I’ve been writing everything down in a notebook that I will fork over to the people I want to tell. I think that’s easier than trying to organize a face to face conversation in which all of the things I want to say will inevitably fleet from my brain and I’ll have no idea what to say.
For years I wondered what vibes I was giving off to make her think we would have been stupid about it, but she said it was about her and not me.
Honestly my family is incredibly hard to decipher. Maybe it was that way for her, she didn’t know how you would react and had no way to predict it.
I wonder if your family knows already like we did??? I can't pretend that I know what you're going through, but I hope all goes well for you in whatever you choose to do.
its definitely possible, I look back at myself when I was a kid and I realize how obvious it was. I just didn’t have the language to describe any of those feelings. I do think they suspect something right now, there have been some offhand comments hinting at suspect as well as encouraging things said to me, but it’s all a mix of good and bad and I can’t predict their reaction when it’s given to them straightforward.
Personally I feel being confronted by it like that wouldn’t work out well for me. I tend to panic in moments like that and forget to say all of the things that were most important to me and the situation. It makes sense why you did that for her and it sounds to me like it was a good thing, however if someone in my family did that I think I would dip out and put the conversation on hold until I could prepare myself. Coming out as trans requires a lot more explanation and detail so I’ve been writing everything down in a notebook that I will fork over to the people I want to tell. I think that’s easier than trying to organize a face to face conversation in which all of the things I want to say will inevitably fleet from my brain and I’ll have no idea what to say.

Honestly my family is incredibly hard to decipher. Maybe it was that way for her, she didn’t know how you would react and had no way to predict it.

its definitely possible, I look back at myself when I was a kid and I realize how obvious it was. I just didn’t have the language to describe any of those feelings. I do think they suspect something right now, there have been some offhand comments hinting at suspect as well as encouraging things said to me, but it’s all a mix of good and bad and I can’t predict their reaction when it’s given to them straightforward.
I can't offer advice, only hugs in support :hugs :hugs

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