LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Sorry for not keeping you all updated!
First day, I was just watching videos. Yesterday I was in a zoom call learning how to look up products.
Today, I got to shadow the lead cashier and then I got to do everything myself.
Tomorrow I'll be in another zoom call. I'll let you know how it goes.

After I clocked out, I picked up 3 chicks! Since they are 1 week old, they were 50% off. I got them since everyone else kept passing by them for the younger ones. They're Barred Rocks.
Sorry for not keeping you all updated!
First day, I was just watching videos. Yesterday I was in a zoom call learning how to look up products.
Today, I got to shadow the lead cashier and then I got to do everything myself.
Tomorrow I'll be in another zoom call. I'll let you know how it goes.

After I clocked out, I picked up 3 chicks! Since they are 1 week old, they were 50% off. I got them since everyone else kept passing by them for the younger ones. They're Barred Rocks.
What's your new job?
Few updates.
Just candled the duck eggs in the incubator and had to toss out 2 so now we're down to 7. Not too bad. I also found out that Colonel did in fact breed one or both of our Indian Runners because both eggs are developing so I'm really excited!!

They actually scheduled me for a full 8 hour shift today. A bit surprised since I though they were supposed to give me short shifts during my first week.

I ended up losing the chicks I got recently. Luckily my dad said I could get some more once we fix the power issue for the outdoor brooder. Wilco has some older chicks(2 or 3 wk old?) they're trying to sell so I'll be getting those.
How are y'all doing?
I'm doing okay.
Going to Walmart later to get more plain shirts for work. I plan on getting a photo of myself in my work outfit tomorrow to show you all how I look in it.
I also get my first paycheck this Friday and I'm really excited.

Possibly getting more chicks in a few days since Wilco got Silkies today. They're also getting some d'Uccle chicks next week.
Hope everyone is doing alright.

I got 10 chicks yesterday after work!! 2 black frizzle Cochins, 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 Welsummers, and 2 New Hampshire reds. The BO and Welsummers are older so I'm keeping an eye on them around the smaller babies. A few of these will be sold once all are older due to space except for the frizzles unless they turn out to be boys.

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