LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I have call ducks. Honestly there isn’t anything special to it. My only advice is that they should never be kept with large fowl ducks, due to reproductive organs and risk of injury. They are such a breeze to tend to. Hopefully you get a good hatch rate! ❤️
Are they easier than regular ducks when it comes to keeping things clean, and husbandry in general?
I have call ducks. Honestly there isn’t anything special to it. My only advice is that they should never be kept with large fowl ducks, due to reproductive organs and risk of injury. They are such a breeze to tend to. Hopefully you get a good hatch rate! ❤️
I plan on selling them later on so they won't get a chance to be around our bigger ducks
A customer threw a water bottle at my shoulder earlier today. My manager was very pissed off and went off at the customer. I just keep my mouth closed while continuing my work.

I found it funny when my till was at $420 right before I clocked out
A bit over 20 years ago I had a customer throw a water in my face. It was one of those "waxy paper" cups with a plastic lid that you get at fast food restaurants. The lid came off and I was covered in water. They were irate with me for not giving them stuff for free. My manager came out, apologized to them, promised to make it right, and gave them their entire meal complimentary including the free upgrade they wanted. I was actually quite upset. Mostly at my boss since I was politely following procedure.

It's so nice that your manager doesn't tolerate that kind of behavior.
A bit over 20 years ago I had a customer throw a water in my face. It was one of those "waxy paper" cups with a plastic lid that you get at fast food restaurants. The lid came off and I was covered in water. They were irate with me for not giving them stuff for free. My manager came out, apologized to them, promised to make it right, and gave them their entire meal complimentary including the free upgrade they wanted. I was actually quite upset. Mostly at my boss since I was politely following procedure.

It's so nice that your manager doesn't tolerate that kind of behavior.
She was already in a foul mood due to another customer but she did ask me if I was okay, which I was.

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