LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I had to unexpectedly cull my first chicken today, my 12wk old cockerel started crowing this morning (we're not allowed chickens where we live, let alone roosters) so that was all very sudden and unexpected, but I think I did a decent job with the cull and processing and the poor guy is in the fridge for now. He was a beautiful australorp who was just growing out his beautiful shimmering tail feathers. We knew this was where the road would end when we discovered we had a cockerel in the mix, but i didn't think it would be today (and I didn't realize how loud crowing would be!!)
I had to unexpectedly cull my first chicken today, my 12wk old cockerel started crowing this morning (we're not allowed chickens where we live, let alone roosters) so that was all very sudden and unexpected, but I think I did a decent job with the cull and processing and the poor guy is in the fridge for now. He was a beautiful australorp who was just growing out his beautiful shimmering tail feathers. We knew this was where the road would end when we discovered we had a cockerel in the mix, but i didn't think it would be today (and I didn't realize how loud crowing would be!!)
I’m sorry, that must’ve been very upsetting, he sounded like a very beautiful cockerel
Guys, just putting it out there. Even if you don't like that someone isn't wearing a mask in the store, please don't harrass or yell at every other customer.
My managers had to ban a guy, who for a 2nd time, yelled at and harassed a few customers even ones WEARING masks. Two cops came and escorted him out as he refused to leave.
interesting. although I can't blame the guy for getting upset, I find it weird he was also yelling at people with masks. maybe they weren't over the nose?
but yeah I agree, there are much better ways of dealing with the maskless
Speaking of which, I drove by an anti-vaxx protest the other day in our town center. I think they were protesting the children's vaccine mandates. Which I didn't expect at all since we are in MA, and not even redneck MA but Rich Liberal MA. That said, there were only about 20 people. Anyway, I just thought that was interesting since I've never seen a conservative protest 'in the wild.' lmao
interesting. although I can't blame the guy for getting upset, I find it weird he was also yelling at people with masks. maybe they weren't over the nose?
but yeah I agree, there are much better ways of dealing with the maskless
I normally go maskless in stores, even in my work on my days off.
My store manager and my managers don't enforce the mandate in the store since it isn't a law.

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