LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

After having a dog take my sweetest rooster, I made the decision to rehome all of my chickens except for the little roo in my avatar and 2 others. But! They went to a family member’s house and will be very much well cared for. They can free range with no stupid dogs to terrorize them. Plus, I can see them anytime I want. My heart was so shattered over the attack and I never want to go through that again.
That’s horrible. I’m so sorry for you. I lost my beautiful golden maran hen “honey” last year to a fox at 8 in the morning with a house full of kids. I cried, we buried her, and moved all the hens to their run full time for their protection.
Someone asked about my picture. Or is an avatar? So technical, me. He is not a mini but a pony who is, especially with his winter coat and lack of riding, almost as round as he is tall. I couldn't resist buying him this rain sheet with ducks and daisies.
My dream would be to become a retirement home for mini horses, cats, dogs, ducks, .... basically anything with 2 to 4 legs. Haven't won a lottery yet so still just a dream.:)
After having a dog take my sweetest rooster, I made the decision to rehome all of my chickens except for the little roo in my avatar and 2 others. But! They went to a family member’s house and will be very much well cared for. They can free range with no stupid dogs to terrorize them. Plus, I can see them anytime I want. My heart was so shattered over the attack and I never want to go through that again.
We’ve had neighbor dogs get in and terrorize our birds. Even lost 2. I wish some people would control their dogs.
That’s horrible. I’m so sorry for you. I lost my beautiful golden maran hen “honey” last year to a fox at 8 in the morning with a house full of kids. I cried, we buried her, and moved all the hens to their run full time for their protection.
I’m so sorry for your loss. It is so difficult losing one. :hugs

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