LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

@ChocolateMouse do you have any tips for keeping a dnd campaign consistent? My friend and I have tried several times to start one but without success, and we need to figure out how to keep meeting times consistent

My hottest tip is find a day each week that can work for everyone. Everyone has to want to make it priority enough to block out the time. For example, ours is saturday nights. We start loosely at 5PM every week (unless there is a serious other activity) and go until bedtime (10ish) with a break in the middle for food and discussion. This works with my friends work schedules and for the people who have to have flexible work schedules they've prioritized it as "outside of their availability". We block it off like it's a job and plan accordingly. Before game all the chores must be done, dogs must have gone out, other members of the household are informed that it's do not disturb time, etc. Everything has to be dealt with such that barring an emergency nobody has any outside distractions.

My second hottest tip - people are more willing to prioritize blocking out that time for a game where the GM keeps things moving fast and keeps the players guessing. Who's your GM? What's your between turns downtime look like? Is it a couple of minutes with nail biting dialogue or is it several minutes with people glancing at their phones? What's your communication look like? Are people talking over one another? Is your story kinda generic beat the baddie get the gold or is there something for the players to puzzle apart? Most importantly are people having fun? And not like they're like "Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah we're having fun! Promise!" but like, are they laughing and engaged at the table? Are they eager for the next game or kinda lukewarm? It's easier to keep players hooked in weekly when they're thoroughly engaged.

Third hot tip. Go watch that video I posted in the D&D thread if you're playing online. It's VERY good.
That's a great musical!

*attempts to keep up with the lyrics of Lafayette and mostly fails*
OOOh Lafayette aka Daveed Diggs. I have been obsessed with him since I first saw Hamilton. He also has a rap group that is his main focus. They're called Clipping they are VERY GOOD imo. Also he was recently on Sesame Street. He is basically a perfect human.😍🥰😍🤩
My partner co-owns a board game/card game store. >_>; He's mostly divested himself from it all but financially and works from home for a medical company now... But for five years it was his full time employment and I was there with him a LOT. Introducing people to modern board games is a well honed skill. XD

I think there's also some good video tutorials online if you need one. :)

And the best part is, once you learn how to learn new board games it opens up a whole WORLD of great opportunities for families, friends, couples, parties, game nights... And they're cheaper per hour of playtime than a movie and infinitely reusable. A $20-$100 board game might become a favorite go-to low tech entertainment for literally years. We have a whole collection, for any number of people, any kind of person, and any occasion.
Wow, no wonder you’re so good at selling.
We are a big game family, 4 kids, and with the pandemic we’ve been playing anything and everything. I think our kids will be very into this too. There are a bunch of these right? Now can you please help HIM with Valentine’s Day ideas..... :highfive:

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