LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Btw my cockerels are growing up really nice. Hope they don't get crazy scary with there personality. I had been reading the post of someone asking what's the best way to cull, although I've done it with a horde of poultry in the past, but that was over 20 years ago. Just thought I would get a refresher or new way to get it done just incase.
Sorry took a little break from the computer for a bit and then this last week working on the Halloween hatch a long with my time on BYC so I haven’t checked in here. Where’s the slap emoji. :smack

oh wait. Found it. :)

y’all should join the Halloween hatch a long if you can. Hatch a longs are fun and these are especially fun because everyone is hatching and progressing at the same time.

What’s everyone been up to outside? We had the most awful miss with the front that many of you probably got. It stopped literally 15 miles from us. 😭

fall is on the horizon though. Does anyone do a fall garden? I’m planting rye grass in a week or so for the horses to eat through the winter, and in my backyard for my geese to eat through the winter. We will lose the native and Bermuda grasses in November or December.

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