LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

I think we're pretty chill about who hangs out here as long as nobody's being a jerk, gaslighting, minimizing, sealioning, etc. :) So, welcome. I mean, there's a lot of varied interests in the community, including horses and gardens. XD I have one of the two, so that aint bad. And it's not like we don't have any straight pals.

But hey, I also have these Q-T-pi's.
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They started opening their eyes today. :)
ERMAHGERD!! So. Stinkin' Cute!!

(and I had to look up sealioning... 😶)
I am currently going to try overwintering some tomato cuttings and maybe the pepper plants to put back out next year, if that doesn't go well I will probably buy seeds and start them, the ones this year were bought at walmart and I'm not super impressed.

Graph paper?? lol, I have CAD and have measured out a good bit of my property by triangulating and then plotting it in CAD.. I still need to graph over where the garden is from where I measured though...

Yeah... popcorn in a Sq Ft bed was a great idea until I realized that corn has huge SHARP leaves.... so, I have actually pruned my corn several times to remove all of the leaves that are pointing into the rest of the bed so I can garden without being sliced.... NOT putting corn back in there again, but it was a decent experiment.

I'm actually down to 4 horses now, 3 at my place and one next door because he was being beat up. The 3 at my place are Stud (Sabino White TWH percheron cross stallion), Papi (Bay and White Tobiano TWH gelding), Pippin (Silver Dapple Mini gelding). The one next door is Splash (Chestnut and White Overo Arab x Paint gelding).

Stud doesn't respect things that run from him so he picked on Splash pretty bad, so Splash lives next door with a herd of beef cows now. Pippin will kick Stud in the head if Stud tries to mess with him, it's pretty funny watching them play actually. Pip is 32" and Stud is around 16hh but Stud has been with Pip off and on since he was a yearling so the're good friends and Stud and Papi have a really weird possibly somewhat gay relationship where Stud is absolutely in love with Papi and if they are separated for any period of time will run up to him nickering and try to mount him when they get back together.
Popcorn seeds... I have plenty of JiffyPop!! 🤔
Your horses sound like quite the crew. Pretty too. A friend of mine up north had a mini named Pippin. Cute little stinker!
All I currently have is my RMH gelding and a BLM burro. Both are spoiled pasture puffs.

And did I say graph paper?? **snappy shoves paper behind her** I meant to say App of course. I mean, graph paper is sooooo old school.
I had some random corn plants growing in my herb garden. I don’t know how they got there, I don’t know what type of corn they were, but the landscaping company that normally mows my lawn because I’m lazy cut them down. I’m sad now, knowing that I could’ve had free popcorn.
Did it look a little skinny for corn plants by chance? If so, it could have been broom corn.
I used to grow broom corn a lot and it's pretty good about reseeding itself.
Yeah, that stuff is gross. I air pop mine and sometimes put real butter on it, usually I just put salt and pepper on it though.
Sometimes I'll have popcorn. I like kettle corn and will usually air pop my own and add sugar (usually splenda instead ) and Himalyan pink salt. I'll spritz with a little olive oil so the salt and sugar sticks to the popcorn and every once in a great while I like it with Parmesan cheese and salt.
There's 1 more green-ish egg but the rest are white
When I started candling eggs for my incubator I found the articles over in the hatching section super helpful. There are several with pics of the eggs every day so you know what to look for and what to expect.
Did it look a little skinny for corn plants by chance? If so, it could have been broom corn.
I used to grow broom corn a lot and it's pretty good about reseeding itself.
It did look a little skinny, though I doubt it would be broom corn. THE seeds would’ve had to have come from somewhere nearby, the squirrel delivery service delivered it, and to the best of my knowledge the only person within a mile growing corn near me is my neighbor who is growing sweet corn or something, that’s what they said anyways.
It did look a little skinny, though I doubt it would be broom corn. THE seeds would’ve had to have come from somewhere nearby, the squirrel delivery service delivered it, and to the best of my knowledge the only person within a mile growing corn near me is my neighbor who is growing sweet corn or something, that’s what they said anyways.
Broom corn is apt to be transported by weather/wind, wildlife, fallen off some sort of decoration, maybe even gotten mixed in with other seeds since it's fairly small like bird seed. I never planted broom corn here but it grows wild. Up north I planted specific colors and would find it popping up all over the farm from the wind or the birds....or near the picnic table because I was careless when I was making wreaths.
Not saying yours wasn't regular corn, just an idea since broom corn is easily dispersed.
Broom corn is apt to be transported by weather/wind, wildlife, fallen off some sort of decoration, maybe even gotten mixed in with other seeds since it's fairly small like bird seed. I never planted broom corn here but it grows wild. Up north I planted specific colors and would find it popping up all over the farm from the wind or the birds....or near the picnic table because I was careless when I was making wreaths.
Not saying yours wasn't regular corn, just an idea since broom corn is easily dispersed.
I mean it would be cool if it grew back, but I really don’t care too much. I’m not sure I would want to eat random corn that was growing in my garden anyways, sorta seems like a bad plan to me. If it does grow back, that’s nice. If it doesn’t, that’s also cool. It got chopped up pretty badly, so I don’t know what that would do to it in the future.
And did I say graph paper?? **snappy shoves paper behind her** I meant to say App of course. I mean, graph paper is sooooo old school.
Lol, sorry, graph paper is fine. I'm just engineering trained so I feel weird unless I have things charted out in a CAD program. I am downgraded to a free version from the 6k a year version I learned on though....
I did have a class where we had to hand draw everything... I hated it, I'm just not artistic enough for that.

Well, 2 of my popcorn plants fell over so I figured i might as well save the tiny ears that were on them. I got 4 of the tiny baby corn like you find in chinese food. Popped them in some water in the microwave to cook and they were actually pretty good. Sweeter than the baby corn I'm used to.
I dyed my hair today, first time in years. I think the color is nice, but the bleach really did a number on my hair. Whatever, now I have pink hair. I can deal with the hair damage later. But I will not be dying my own hair again, my now pink bathroom told me not to.

Edit: And I did the thing I swore not to, I gave myself quarantine bangs. Even though everyone has decided forgetting about the virus will make it go away, it’s still technically quarantine here so I can call them that. Can’t wait to wake up in the morning and see the mess my hair has become...
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graph paper is fine. I'm just engineering trained so I feel weird unless I have things charted out in a CAD program. I am downgraded to a free version from the 6k a year version I learned on though....
I did have a class where we had to hand draw everything... I hated it, I'm just not artistic enough for that.
Same here!!
I learned to draft on the board, but I could never make a living at it.
I learned to use computers as I learned to use CAD....40 years ago.
Still have full versions, never paid for annual upgrades,
but can't get a new computer or I'll lose them.

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