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Yep, regular yellow popcorn from Walmart. There are 2 main types of corn, Dent corn has a small indention in the ends of the kernels and that is the type that is sweet corn, the kind you roast or buy in a can. Flint corn is the other kind, that kind is left on the stalk until the entire plant dies and dries up, the seeds of flint corn are rounded on the ends and that is the type used for feed, cornmeal and popcorn.

Different varieties have different properties, but generally a dent corn is meant to be harvested at the "milk stage" and eaten wet (rather than dried), flint can generally be popped but some varieties will pop better than others.
I did this experiment once when I was a kid, the garden was awful and shaded, my plants didn't do well, I only got 1 ear and the squirrels picked it and ate half of it... I found the half eaten ear, went ahead and stripped what was left off of the ear and tried popping it, it did just fine. I expect much better things out of this batch of popcorn, for one, I know I have at least 10 ears on the stalks right now but they are so closely packed I don't know if there are any on the inside of the square or if they are all on the outside edges.
I did this experiment once when I was a kid, the garden was awful and shaded, my plants didn't do well, I only got 1 ear and the squirrels picked it and ate half of it... I found the half eaten ear, went ahead and stripped what was left off of the ear and tried popping it, it did just fine. I expect much better things out of this batch of popcorn, for one, I know I have at least 10 ears on the stalks right now but they are so closely packed I don't know if there are any on the inside of the square or if they are all on the outside edges.
I had some random corn plants growing in my herb garden. I don’t know how they got there, I don’t know what type of corn they were, but the landscaping company that normally mows my lawn because I’m lazy cut them down. I’m sad now, knowing that I could’ve had free popcorn.
I had some random corn plants growing in my herb garden. I don’t know how they got there, I don’t know what type of corn they were, but the landscaping company that normally mows my lawn because I’m lazy cut them down. I’m sad now, knowing that I could’ve had free popcorn.
It was probably a field corn that the squirrels planted for you. Likely wouldn't have popped well, the older varieties tend to just split and pop up a little rather than turning inside out like modern popcorn. So, maybe you can temper your sadness with knowing that the results likely wouldn't have been what you wanted.
It was probably a field corn that the squirrels planted for you. Likely wouldn't have popped well, the older varieties tend to just split and pop up a little rather than turning inside out like modern popcorn. So, maybe you can temper your sadness with knowing that the results likely wouldn't have been what you wanted.
Any popcorn is okay popcorn for me, except buttered popcorn.

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