LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

@ChocolateMouse What do you use for a quarantine area? Mine will actually be about the same age as my current pullets when I get them. Is it usually inside or outside? I want it to go smooth and to avoid the bloodshed as much as possible and already have the separate feeders and waterers to use. It's odd because every time I feel like I know who my dominant bird is in my current flock it runs away from one of the other ones when they get in a fight haha. Anyways, I appreciate the pointers. I really wanted EEs when I started with my flock but they were nowhere to be found because it was around Easter at the time. I found this place that did the started pullets and decided this would be easier as my wife doesn't want me raising the chicks in the house again because we had to sacrifice a room to them haha. Thanks again!
Got a funny to share.
An hour ago, I decided to relax outside while eating blueberries. Sergeant came running up to me and stared at me for a few minutes before I caved and picked him up. He loves to sit on my lap like the spoiled cockerel he is. Anyways, he decided to reach into my bowl to get some blueberries and made me drop the bowl(Luckily it's not broken). All the blueberries went flying and rolling everywhere. All of a sudden, the flock swarmed where the blueberries landed and within a few seconds, they were gone. Sergeant just stared at where the savages ate and then looked at me as if to say 'Got any more?'

It wasn't at the time but it's now funny.
@ChocolateMouse What do you use for a quarantine area? Mine will actually be about the same age as my current pullets when I get them. Is it usually inside or outside? I want it to go smooth and to avoid the bloodshed as much as possible and already have the separate feeders and waterers to use. It's odd because every time I feel like I know who my dominant bird is in my current flock it runs away from one of the other ones when they get in a fight haha. Anyways, I appreciate the pointers. I really wanted EEs when I started with my flock but they were nowhere to be found because it was around Easter at the time. I found this place that did the started pullets and decided this would be easier as my wife doesn't want me raising the chicks in the house again because we had to sacrifice a room to them haha. Thanks again!

I use my garage, on the opposite side of my lawn from the chickens (about 100'). It's not ideal because I have to pass through my garage to get to the main flock but it's the best place I've got. I have 4'x4'x2' cages I hold empty for emergencies or quarantine and stick 'em in one of those. (They were built for rabbits but work fine for chickens temporarily.)

If you can't pick a dominant bird to buddy up, pick a bird that defends itself well. The goal is to give the new chickens a reliable buddy in the new flock.
Hello everyone! Hope you're having a wonderful day.
Have a few updates to share

I finally got around to scrubbing out the ducks' kiddie pool. The ducks were glad to have a cleaner pool to swim in.

Our hens have started to slow down egg production due to the high temperatures we've been getting but that's fine by us.

Our current broody hen is getting worse each day while we wait for the shipped eggs to arrive.

I'm currently still trying to find a part time job. My summer job only lasted until the 4th because it was at a fireworks stand. Surprisingly a lot of places are hiring in my town so I've been applying.

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