LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Well on my side of it I guess my question is... if not here, where? This is the best community for chicken keepers I've been a part of. It's a contentious subject for sure. I don't want to upset people. I love the community here, but it is hard to not talk about something that's a pretty big part of my life.
Lovely to meet you by the way Alexis! I’m Mak, also nb.
Chooks are just wonderful, best decision I made too.
That would definitely be a very sad consequence of this thread, and unfortunately, it is not up to our control at all, but up to the rest of the byc community. For me, the pros of finding a supportive environment far outweigh that risk.

It’s up to other LGBT+ members whether they want to expose themselves to potential discrimination, and is a risk I’m sure we all have at the forefront of our minds. So far there has been good support from admins and other members, and that’s really great to see.

I actually did take a few seconds to think about whether I wanted to risk losing my comfy forum community by posting in this thread. But I've learned that hiding part of myself to fit in never turns out well. And I'd love to support other people in similar situations.
First, hi. All are welcome here! This is a great chicken community.

I'm not trying to be judgemental, and encourage what you are trying to do with this thread. But do have some input... I'm non-biased as to the subject matter, for whatever that's worth.

But I could see this kind of thread doing the opposite of what you would like to see. Instead of bringing together certain members within our chicken community, it may actually cause a division of sorts. You know, an us against them type of thing, especially from some who are less accepting of alternative lifestyles. I don't want to see that.
well, that would be a shame...

It also would mean that all are not welcome here. "You're welcome here, unless it makes someone uncomfortable."

However, just as I was saying to @allosaurusrock, we miss out on so much in life being afraid of potential reactions.

Yes, that could be bad. But, it also could be beautiful when we realize it isn't that way.

Also, IF someone wants to make things an us vs. them situation, that is categorically on THEM and not on us.
This really isn’t a joke thread, I’m just trying to find other people like me. I’ve seen threads for moms, for seniors, and for people from different states. Why not make one for LGBT folk?
Hi there. :frow

This reminds me of another thread...
Someone wanted to debate the OP about their faith instead of participating in a constructive manner to support our community members. Once called on it, they respectfully stopped posting there and found other threads that made them happier. Guess what, God created and loves LGBT too! :clap Yes I think your desire to connect with folks who might have a better understanding of where you are coming from is understandable... and I'm thrilled to be part of a community where we can skip the drama (usually) and be considerate of and learn from and support each other no matter our background. :highfive:

While I am not LGBT, I was raised extremely prejudice and dare I say ignorant! Thankfully, as an avid over thinker... I have made a full circle to the understanding that being "different" doesn't equal bad, ungodly, or all the other ugly things I was taught... and even taught my kids early on. :hmm

BYC, has been not only a place to learn about chickens but also a place of healing and discovery for those who utilize it as such. There are many wise and wonderful, caring and supportive animal guardians in this community that outweighs the few dim witted and immature.

I don't fully understand your plight, but I KNOW how hard it can be to feel rejected, ridiculed, and alone... even to the point of suicide. :oops:

So hang in there, make as many connections as you can, and be supported... hopefully by some who understand and also by those who don't but want to. :hugs
Hi there. :frow

This reminds me of another thread...
Someone wanted to debate the OP about their faith instead of participating in a constructive manner to support our community members. Once called on it, they respectfully stopped posting there and found other threads that made them happier. Guess what, God created and loves LGBT too! :clap Yes I think your desire to connect with folks who might have a better understanding of where you are coming from is understandable... and I'm thrilled to be part of a community where we can skip the drama (usually) and be considerate of and learn from and support each other no matter our background. :highfive:

While I am not LGBT, I was raised extremely prejudice and dare I say ignorant! Thankfully, as an avid over thinker... I have made a full circle to the understanding that being "different" doesn't equal bad, ungodly, or all the other ugly things I was taught... and even taught my kids early on. :hmm

BYC, has been not only a place to learn about chickens but also a place of healing and discovery for those who utilize it as such. There are many wise and wonderful, caring and supportive animal guardians in this community that outweighs the few dim witted and immature.

I don't fully understand your plight, but I KNOW how hard it can be to feel rejected, ridiculed, and alone... even to the point of suicide. :oops:

So hang in there, make as many connections as you can, and be supported... hopefully by some who understand and also by those who don't but want to. :hugs

Awww that's wonderful! Thank you for being a wonderful accepting person! We all start out molded by other people. I think what really matters is who you choose to be later on. :)
I’m bi and keep chickens :wee

BYC has been a very resourceful learning tool for me, and has some very active members in the community. People from all over the world, with different views and backgrounds come here to discuss everything chickens!

I’ve seen a few people be rude, and a few get dragged :oops: but for the most part the BYC community has been warm and welcoming. If something is wrong in your flock, BYC members are waiting to help you correct it.

I hope you make lasting connections in this community, and your flock grows healthily :hugs

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