LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

Thanks for asking Fluffy! Mine are doing fabulous!!!! They have been repotted and are doing great, a couple have grown like crazy! I am SO in love with these guys I worry over them too much. :p Its just now getting light outside, I will get photos this morning! 😊
Really good! Wasn't expecting mine to thrive indoors but it has!!
I do need to replant though, it's grown a decent amount and needs space to spread

Glad to hear! Expecting pictures...:p
OMG....they are gorgeous!!!! :love I love that last one very interesting succulent!!! Very nice!! ❤️

Thank you! I'm so happy I got my hands on these. I've been searching for them everywhere, and they're pretty hard to find. After lithops, astrophytum are my favourite genus, and then gymnocalycium, but mostly the variegated ones
Thank you! I'm so happy I got my hands on these. I've been searching for them everywhere, and they're pretty hard to find. After lithops, astrophytum are my favourite genus, and then gymnocalycium, but mostly the variegated ones
Those plants really look rare, but that makes keeping them so much fun!
Those plants really look rare, but that makes keeping them so much fun!

Indeed! Don't know how rare they are in the US, but over here I can't find them anywhere but the plant expo. Lithops, astrophytum and gymnocalycium will be what I keep adding to my collection, I think. Maybe an odd one out here and there

My research tells me that these guys are more temperamental, but I'm up for the challenge

Picture time! :p

So you may remember how they looked upon receiving, rough, tired and in the 2" black plastic pots...

Here they are repotted and living outside, they love it!

Golden Moss... (This plant is growing like crazy, he's in a 4.25" pot loves direct sun)

Bear Paws... (3" pot, lots of offshoots, shade lover)

Monathes Polyphlla....(2" pot, slow grower but doing well, loves shade)

String of Pearls....( Very delicate plant and I'm still trying to find the exact light it needs, its a shade lover, but its growing fast, lots of offshoots!)

Sedum Variegated.....(3" pot, slow grower but doing well! Loves the direct sun.)

Some new additions as of last week, :p ....

Chalk plant in a 4.25" pot

California Sunset in a 4.25" pot ...

My regular cactus are doing well too, I am loving my Barrel cactus and I think my old man cactus has grown an inch already! At the end of summer I will get measurements and photos of all of them.

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