Lethargic, yellow and dark brown poop


May 19, 2023
Found my 10 mo old jersey giant hen under the coop yesterday afternoon, cold, snowy 30 degree day. She was breathing with mouth slightly open, fluffed and not looking good. She weakly walked out from under there, towards me and I took her inside.
She might have ate 1-2 cc of yolk and electrolytes mix, but wasn't having it. Wouldn't eat anything else but one bite of yogurt. I just covered her kennel, placed a heating pad under a doubled over blanket and just let her rest for the evening.

This morning she looked better - not so weak and walking and talking softly to me. She has drank a lot of water and is picking out her favorite seeds from her feed that I moistened for her. Tried offering scrambled egg, but not interested.

But her poop was smelly and had yellow in it. When I brought her in yesterday, I examined what I could. No discharge from mouth or nose, no wheezing, sneezing, no lice, crop was empty except for a small approx teaspoon size grain or grit at the bottom. Comb and wattle are normal color. She doesn't feel under weight. Didn't feel any egg in abdomen, no egg felt at finger depth inside vent. Don't know if she's been laying (all eggs look the same).

Does anyone know what I might be dealing with? I don't have a vet to run fecal or anything. But if someone has been in this situation, and recognizes similarities, I'd love your advice for what might work to bring her around. I'm guessing an infection, but I hate treating based on inexperienced guesses. The only antibiotic I have on hand is LA200.

Thanks in advance!


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Has she ever laid eggs, and when was the last one? Have you seen any soft or thin-shelled eggs? The bright yellow looks like the normally white urates are yellow, which could be a reproductive infection that has caused liver problems. Does it look like there is any yolk or egg white in her dropping?

Do you have any pictures of your hen? Does she walk with a wide stance or more upright, and is her tail tucked down? How does her crop feel—empty or full, firm, doughy, or puffy? Check her crop each morning to make sure that it is empty, then later to make sure that she is eating. Offer a balanced layer or all flock feed, some scrambled egg bits, and fresh water.

Amoxicillin or enrofloxacin antibiotic might help her, but if she has a reproductive infection or salpingitis, it may be too late. If you have seen any thin shells or broken egg inside, calcium citrate with vitamin d for several days to a week may help.
I would imagine she has been laying eggs, but I couldn't tell you for sure. I have 18 other girls and all their eggs look the same. I haven't seen any remnants of shell, yolk or egg white in her stool. She pooped in her water bowl and I took a picture (see attached) - it looks mucousy and more yellow in pic than it really is, no worms, nor anything that makes me think egg yolk (even though it seems the urea part has a yellow color).

She doesn't walk with a penguin gait, or wide stance and her tail sits in the middle (not lowered / tucked and not straight up and perky - see pic). Her crop felt empty this morning because I didn't leave food in there overnight. But she has been eating decent today (moistened feed, cooked hamburger with oregano, lettuce). I haven't seen her drink since this morning, but she chugged the water down. She refuses scrambled egg. she has crushed egg shells and grit available (been eating a little egg shells), and just stands and talks to me.

She does seem eager to try eating every time I present food to her, but she is picky. But, given how she was yesterday, I can't complain - her effort is encouraging. Where can I get the amoxicillan or the enrofloxacin? There's no vets around here and of course, it's a weekend so no one is open. I feel like if I can get her on abx, she might have a fighting chance. Like I said, all I have is LA200 and I don't know if that would be effective for this application. Your thoughts?



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LA200 is oxytetracycline and an injectable antibiotic meant for cattle. It can be effective if given as an injection once every 3 days, but more for respiratory diseases. As you may know there is an amoxicillin shortage presently. Some people might have a stash of it at home, but it is hard to get now. Enrofloxacin, an antibiotic used in dogs and cats, but banned for use in chickens, can treat reproductive infections, as long as you observe a long egg withdrawal time. It is similar to Cipro used in humans. If that doesn’t bother you, you can order it here:

I would feel of her lower belly and look for any enlargement or fluid below her vent. That can be a sign of water belly (ascites,) that can be associated with reproductive infection and liver issues.
LA200 is oxytetracycline and an injectable antibiotic meant for cattle. It can be effective if given as an injection once every 3 days, but more for respiratory diseases. As you may know there is an amoxicillin shortage presently. Some people might have a stash of it at home, but it is hard to get now. Enrofloxacin, an antibiotic used in dogs and cats, but banned for use in chickens, can treat reproductive infections, as long as you observe a long egg withdrawal time. It is similar to Cipro used in humans. If that doesn’t bother you, you can order it here:

I would feel of her lower belly and look for any enlargement or fluid below her vent. That can be a sign of water belly (ascites,) that can be associated with reproductive infection and liver issues.
Thank you so much! You have been super helpful, and it means everything!

Her energy is getting better and she is wanting out of the kennel today. Eating better and better, but her belly below the vent DOES feel a little enlarged (but honestly, I've never felt her there before now, so I have nothing to compare it to). That link is so incredibly helpful - thank you! It recommends giving the Enrofloxacin with a liver support, DMG 15....have you ever used that before?
LA200 is oxytetracycline and an injectable antibiotic meant for cattle. It can be effective if given as an injection once every 3 days, but more for respiratory diseases. As you may know there is an amoxicillin shortage presently. Some people might have a stash of it at home, but it is hard to get now. Enrofloxacin, an antibiotic used in dogs and cats, but banned for use in chickens, can treat reproductive infections, as long as you observe a long egg withdrawal time. It is similar to Cipro used in humans. If that doesn’t bother you, you can order it here:

I would feel of her lower belly and look for any enlargement or fluid below her vent. That can be a sign of water belly (ascites,) that can be associated with reproductive infection and liver issues.
So, as an update, she laid a perfect egg this morning. There was no discharge or anything. Would this happen if she had a reproductive infection? Should I be considering parasites? Your thoughts?

Thanks again!
It is good that she laid a normal egg. The yellow urates are still concerning. I’m not a vet, just a chicken owner. In my experience, I have seen the yellow urates usually in hens over 2-3 years old. That can be a sign of ascites/water belly, a reproductive disorder, heart failure, but also is seen in fatty liver disease or other liver problems. We never know, unless we do a necropsy after death. Some things may be diagnosed with X-rays by a vet.

Fatty liver disease can have different causes, and some hens may inherit the tendency. Is she fat or overweight? Sometimes feeding extra treats can cause it, but it is just one cause. Does she have any labored breathing? I would watch for that, and keep her on a balanced chicken feed as 90% of her diet. Let us know how she is getting along, and if her droppings look more normal.
It is good that she laid a normal egg. The yellow urates are still concerning. I’m not a vet, just a chicken owner. In my experience, I have seen the yellow urates usually in hens over 2-3 years old. That can be a sign of ascites/water belly, a reproductive disorder, heart failure, but also is seen in fatty liver disease or other liver problems. We never know, unless we do a necropsy after death. Some things may be diagnosed with X-rays by a vet.

Fatty liver disease can have different causes, and some hens may inherit the tendency. Is she fat or overweight? Sometimes feeding extra treats can cause it, but it is just one cause. Does she have any labored breathing? I would watch for that, and keep her on a balanced chicken feed as 90% of her diet. Let us know how she is getting along, and if her droppings look more normal.
She's not overweight and not labored breathing or open mouth breathing since she's been inside. I've been continually checking her belly and it feels normal - not swollen, not like a water balloon or anything else.

Urates are still yellow, but a pale yellow. Stools are still soft and smell like cecal poop, but normal color.
She's got good energy, is preening, and wants to get out of cage to scratch and forage. She's not eating and drinking real well - just picks at stuff, but has an interest when presented with food (my feeling is that she's bored and misses the flock and that's probably affecting her appetite).

Since she doesn't have a swollen abdomen, and has good color and energy, I think I might take her back out tomorrow when the temps are warmer and start reintegrating her back with the flock. My hope is this will raise her morale and improve her food and water intake.

However, I still don't know how to help her liver (if that is what is struggling for her).

Do you know of any liver support supplement that I could incorporate?

This may be a new post idea to try and get feedback to survey if anyone has every used something to help in this way 🤔

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