lethargic, not flocking, then death.


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 18, 2010
One of my chickens just died. For the past few days shes been lethargic, she hasent been walking around with the rest of the flock and she will just stand there with her eyes 1/2 closed and her feathers puffed out. She has also been moving slowly and she was only about 2-3 years old. Does anyone know what this could be? Could it be passed on to my other 6 chickens? what other symptoms can i look for? (i still have the body, im burying it tonight, if there is any physical things i could look for) Sorry that these symptoms are kinda vague and could relate to a lot of illnesses.
Well, since both of us seemed to have fallen through the cracks (I have a similar post), I'll comment best I can...I think it is probably Coccidiosis, but I'm not great with the diagnosing since I've never had sick chickens before. I'm hoping someone can tell me more definitively what is wrong with my rooster, but nothing so far. I recommend looking up everything you can on Cocci to see what you think. If you wait, it may be too late. :-(
I'm very sorry about your loss.
Unfortunately, this section doesn't get a huge amount of traffic so sometimes it takes a while to get answers.
The sysmptoms were a little vague and could be LOTS of things - from some sort of infection, egg bound, worms or other parasites.
You might want to do a search through the other threads with similar symptoms. When I had a chick who was not thriving, that's what I did and when I found someone who had been through it, I posted on their thread if it was active or sent them a PM if it was an old post.
You might want to take notice of some details of the rest of the flock. Is everyone eating? And how much? What sort of poo have they been having lately? Laying normaly? Wormed recently? Moulting? What was her breed? What are they eating?

Best of luck to you both.
One of my chickens just died. For the past few days shes been lethargic, she hasent been walking around with the rest of the flock and she will just stand there with her eyes 1/2 closed and her feathers puffed out. She has also been moving slowly and she was only about 2-3 years old. Does anyone know what this could be? Could it be passed on to my other 6 chickens? what other symptoms can i look for? (i still have the body, im burying it tonight, if there is any physical things i could look for) Sorry that these symptoms are kinda vague and could relate to a lot of illnesses.
Eggbound is a possibility, but it sounds like worms if you didnt see any mites on her.
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Hens show the same symptoms for a wide range of ailments. By the time a hen is near three she is susceptible to some serious internal complications, including ovarian cancer (very prevalent) and many laying issues, including internal laying and infected impactions. I do home necropsies and have come to realize that even with my many years of experience, it's just guess work unless you look inside. I'm not advocating that everyone do necropsies - I'm just saying that whatever anyone says here is just a guess. My best guess is that it's not contagious. However, when a hen dies I always look twice at my management. Is the food and water fresh, the area mold free, the hens not under undo stress? Have I missed any changes? Also, there are times that the symptoms do no lead to death. Sometimes my Spa Treatment (http://hencam.com/faq/the-spa-treatment/)sets them right again. Next time you see a lethargic hen, you can try it.

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