Lethargic/hunched up hen -- No idea what could be wrong, NOT egg bound


6 Years
May 13, 2018
The 'too much sunshine' sunshine state
Hello! I don't often post in the chicken forms since my flock has always been healthy and I know quite a bit about poultry myself, but I'm stumped on this one!

Quick background: I live at home currently and my mom and I have a flock of five chickens. They all get along great with each other. My mom is the one who primarily takes care of them / spends the most time with them, since I'm busy with college classes and work.

My mom said our about 2yo sex-linked hen has been acting lethargic, sleepy, and uninterested in treats for the past few days. She's also pretty certain this hen (her name is Martha) hasn't really been laying at all. She claims it's been about a week that the bird is acting like this. I didn't really realize how serious it was until today. Martha has been an excellent layer and gives us an egg almost every day up until this moment.

The hen has been lethargic, sleepy, and sitting in the corner of the coop all hunched / fluffed up today. Her vent looks clean, no heavy breathing, discharge, or anything around her beak/nares. Her comb might be a little pale, but honestly it looks pretty red and normal to me. Not going through a molt, but she is missing some feathers on her belly/between her legs. No bumble foot and everything else appears normal. I highly doubt she's egg bound, because she isn't showing all the correct symptoms, I don't feel an egg, and if this has been going on for several days, she would've already been dead if she was bound.

My mom said she saw her drink and that her poop looks pretty normal. I haven't seen either of these things myself yet. I'm not so certain if she's eating, though. She might've lost a little weight, but when I did my exam of her, she didn't feel like she'd lost that much if at all.

Upon research, I've noticed it can be several things potentially -- mostly internal things, like possibly peritonitis or something else. At this point, my head is spinning from all the possible options and treatments that I could give her. Does anyone know where I should go from here?

Sorry the post is long, I just wanted to include all the details. Lastly, we live in FL and the weather has been really steady lately. Not very cold at all -- low 60s/high 50s at night, 60s - 70s during the day.
One detail that stands out to me is her age. I don’t spend much time in the medical forum but I know that sex-links are not designed to last they usually pass away due to some vent/egg related issues at 2-3 years because they’ve produced so much. Yet again I don’t know much about chicken medicine issues.
One detail that stands out to me is her age. I don’t spend much time in the medical forum but I know that sex-links are not designed to last they usually pass away due to some vent/egg related issues at 2-3 years because they’ve produced so much. Yet again I don’t know much about chicken medicine issues.
Thank you for the post. My mom had actually, from her research, mentioned this same thing to me. It could very well be that this is the cause, since I'm not finding symptoms for anything else (or maybe I'm just missing something). Thank you for your input, I'll have to see if anyone else agrees with this view.
Thank you for the post. My mom had actually, from her research, mentioned this same thing to me. It could very well be that this is the cause, since I'm not finding symptoms for anything else (or maybe I'm just missing something). Thank you for your input, I'll have to see if anyone else agrees with this view.
I had a hen with a similar ish problem which turned out to be a bacterial infection or she ate grass when my dad mowed the lawn. @Eggcessive and @Wyorp Rock helped me.
I had a hen with a similar ish problem which turned out to be a bacterial infection or she ate grass when my dad mowed the lawn. @ Eggcessive and @ Wyorp Rock helped me.
Ahh okay, I was thinking and still am thinking it could be something bacterial or internal, like we've talked about. I just don't see signs for anything else-- at least anything that is sticking out to me.
Hens may suffer from cancer and reproductive disorders after after 2 years of age. Salpingitis, internal laying, coelomitis/peritonitis, and water belly are common. Crop problems are also common. Has she lost weight or is her breast bone/keel more prominent? Is there any enlargement of her lower belly below the vent? His her tail position down? Poop pictures may be helpful. Did she molt in the last 6 months?

Can you feel of her crop and tell us if it is empty, full, firm, doughy, or puffy? Then check it again first thing in the morning to see if it is empty. I would worm her if she hasn’t been wormed recently. Valbazen or SafeGuard liquid goat wormer are good ones, and I can give dosages. What are you feeding, and has she been eating and drinking? It may take some time to narrow down what is going on.
Hens may suffer from cancer and reproductive disorders after after 2 years of age. Salpingitis, internal laying, coelomitis/peritonitis, and water belly are common. Crop problems are also common. Has she lost weight or is her breast bone/keel more prominent? Is there any enlargement of her lower belly below the vent? His her tail position down? Poop pictures may be helpful. Did she molt in the last 6 months?

Can you feel of her crop and tell us if it is empty, full, firm, doughy, or puffy? Then check it again first thing in the morning to see if it is empty. I would worm her if she hasn’t been wormed recently. Valbazen or SafeGuard liquid goat wormer are good ones, and I can give dosages. What are you feeding, and has she been eating and drinking? It may take some time to narrow down what is going on.
Hi, sorry I didn't get back yesterday, I had work all afternoon. I was reading up on some of those reproductive orders and all of that yesterday which had me wondering.

I went out today to check her again, acting about the same, maybe a little more alert. I didn't feel her crop yesterday, it feels empty this morning but that doesn't help in a comparison. I can feel again this afternoon when I get home from classes. Her breast bone/keel does feel more prominent, but I didn't really notice any enlargement of her lower belly. It felt kind of round/full, not concave or flat, or overly round/protruding, but I don't think it's that abnormal? Maybe it is...

Her tail position stays the same, not down. I know my mom saw her drinking yesterday, I don't know about eating. I'll see if my mom can observe her a little closer today as I'll be in classes half the day, and then I can observe her in the afternoon. Same thing goes for poop, sorry I don't have pictures, I can try to see if me or my mom can get some today. The hen is fed New Country Organics layer feed, and did go through a molt in the last 6 months.

She hasn't been wormed recently, so that's something I can definitely go pick up today. Thank you for your help!
That her crop was empty and flat this am shows she is not suffering from a crop disorder. Hopefully she is eating and drinking throughout the day. Poops and color can sometimes give a clue in an illness. Dosage of SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer is 1.25 ml or 1/4 of a tsp orally for 5 consecutive days. Be sure to shake the wormer very well before drawing up the dose. The horse paste dosage is the same. Valbazen dosage is 1/2 ml given orally, and then repeat in 10 days.
That her crop was empty and flat this am shows she is not suffering from a crop disorder. Hopefully she is eating and drinking throughout the day. Poops and color can sometimes give a clue in an illness. Dosage of SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer is 1.25 ml or 1/4 of a tsp orally for 5 consecutive days. Be sure to shake the wormer very well before drawing up the dose. The horse paste dosage is the same. Valbazen dosage is 1/2 ml given orally, and then repeat in 10 days.
Alright great, thanks for letting me know, and thank you for the dosage info! So I should try to get her the goat wormer, either safe guard or Valbazen, but am I am able to also give horse wormer as you mentioned if I cannot happen to find the goat? Just wanted to check!
and I completely forgot to add: my mom said she's seen the hen drinking water, but we haven't really seen her eat. My mom also said she didn't get a picture of her poo, but she saw her poop yesterday or the day before and it looked completely normal.

Today Martha (the sick chicken) has been acting a little livelier than she recently has been. Came out into the chicken run when I let them out this morning and was poking around in the leaves/dirt with the other hens a little bit. Hopefully we can help her get better.

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