"Lazy Eye" Surgery (Strabismus) Have you or a family member had it?


15 Years
Dec 14, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
Hey, posted this in the "Family Life" section, because this is usually a pediatric issue!

When I was a baby, I was born with crossed eyes. They were surgically corrected when I was seven months, and it worked great until I hit my 30's! When I was extremely tired, sometimes an eye would drift out, but it snapped back into focus if I paid attention. Now my eyes are going outward all the time (walleyes) and I'm debating having surgery again. I'm so scared! Of couse I have no memory of the surgery because I was an infant, LOL.

So, has anyone here had this surgery, or have your kids had it? How did it go? Any tips for reviewing a doctor? I went to an appointment with one surgeon, but I'm Googling stuff online, and I can't seem to find out HOW you're supposed to figure out who is the best doctor for this sort of thing. I can't seem to find anything about any of the surgeons out here. Sigh! My vision overall is great, perfect 20/20 in both eyes - but they won't work together anymore. Now people keep looking behind me or to the side to try and figure out who I'm talking to.

I'd love to hear your experiences with you, your kids, or friends or spouses that had this surgery, and how it went, recovery and possible complications. Thanks so much!

- AlohaChicken
No replies so far, LOL! Well, there have to be some of you folks out there, about 4% to 5% of the population has issus with Strabismus.

I've decided to wait until January to think about surgery - so scary, need time to figure this out! So if anyone who has had this surgery sees this and wants to post, please do so, I'd love to hear how it went for you.

I had severe strabismus in my both eyes until I had corrective surgery when I was about 15( almost 20 yrs ago now). My eyes were sore, swollen,light-sensitive and fuzzy for a few days afterwards, but nothing unbearable! The most uncomfortable part was the first check-up a few hours after the surgery. They might do it differently now, but they used this wire egg -like contraption to keep me from blinking while they checked everything out. Every once in a while, when I'm extremely tired, the scar tissue on my eye muscles is swollen and irritated. ! It just feels itchy, like an irritated contact. It rarely ever happens though. So worth the surgery!!! good luck!
A nurse I worked with had the surgery when she was around 8 - 10 years old. Her right eye (when I first met her, was way out to the right). She got engaged, and she decided to fix it again, so at the age of 28 years old, she had the surgery. She had absolutely no problems, and it turned out just fine! She was a gorgeous bride, just as she wanted!
Be blessed, Theresa
Has anyone had any contact with alohachickens since September? I'm not able to make contact through PM's. And no posts since the one above. I hope everything is OK.

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