Lavender Ameraucana Breeders .... UNITE

How does this guy look? Too much leakage?


I just wanted to report that those two Americauna/Cemani mixes I recently hatched 4 weeks ago, are turning even a darker blue now!
Almost purple!

3 days old



The Cockrell is showing a lace tip like pattern with purple highlights...

This mix looking pretty cool...

What do you guys think?
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They are flighty as hell though.

Hopefully this color change will continue to darken with age.
I may have created a Purple Chicken!

I am hatching out a few more of that mix...just in case...

Hey everyone, i need some advice. This is Bandit. He's the best looking boy of the 3 that i hatched from shipped eggs. I know that's not a great picture but you can see his shape anyway. These ameraucanas are all possible lavender splits. The question i have is in twists to his hackles. He had silver-ish "highlights" in them that i just recently noticed. What's is that from our what causes it? Is he ok to breed or should i chose one of the other boys who don't look as good. One has a weird looking comb where the middle row is 3 times longer than than the other two rows making it look like a straight comb in the middle. The other has a bad looking tail. Here are pictures of the highlights.



ETA: it's just the silver looking spots. That list picture looks like he has blonde on his head but that's just light reflecting on his feathers.
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I seen you have Cream Legbars and Lavender Ameraucana's.  I love the blue eggs. Can you post pics of the eggs each lays?

My lighting is pretty much awful. A reminder that I need a nice camera lol but I tried. I put them in the sun for the first picture but that just made them look green so I tool another one of them in the egg basket. The smaller ones on the left are the Ameraucana eggs and the ones on the right are the legbars. The ameraucanas seem slightly deeper blue with the legbars being more pale. They are still all pullet eggs right now.



As I said, my pictures do not show the color well. I'm stuck with the lousy camera on my tablet lol

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