Late layer genes + early/normal layer genes?


6 Years
May 1, 2018
Hi all! I was wondering what would result if I bred the coturnix hens from my group of late layers (they started laying at 11 weeks, smallish jumbos of ~10oz) with my regular quail (started laying around 6 weeks). Would the resulting hens also be mostly late layers or regular? Or does it somehow average out to 8-9 weeks? Has anyone tried breeding a combo like this? I've only had regular non-jumbo quail before so they always started laying at 6 weeks, never this late so I presume the 11 weeks is because of their jumbo genes (the eggs of the 2 groups were from different sources).
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Did your late layers hatch in the fall or winter? So far, the birds that I've had lay early have hatched in summer and the ones who started late hatched in fall/winter. In my experience it has more to do with season, light, and other factors rather than genetics.
Did your late layers hatch in the fall or winter? So far, the birds that I've had lay early have hatched in summer and the ones who started late hatched in fall/winter. In my experience it has more to do with season, light, and other factors rather than genetics.
They hatched in mid May (I incubated their eggs with the standard ones and raised them together so it's quite strange with the big difference in egg laying start dates). The hens that I got their eggs from also started laying around 12 weeks, their eggs I had gotten from ebay. Figured since my regular quail could use more genetic diversity it wouldn't hurt to breed in the late layers with them but I don't want to end up with a covey of late layers if it is somehow genetic :confused:

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