Late bloomer black australorp or different breed?


Aug 22, 2022
Shes 18 weeks old and yet despite our 3 other Black Australorps already having red combs and wattles. Shes not there yet. So were not sure if shes just a late one or a mixed breed or perhaps just a different breed that looks like a Black Australorp.

We used to think she was blind so maybe her poor health as a chick before maybe stunted her growth? I'm just overly curious cause even though she doesn't like human affection her just being the smallest makes me love her lol.

I want to believe shes a black australorp but we've already gotten miss genders in barred rocks and instead of silver laced wyandottes we got gold laced wyandottes from tractor supply no harm in asking.

The easter egger in the one picture is 5-6 weeks younger and she was raised in the brooder extra time with them until they were of age to be introduced to the flock. The brahma is 3 weeks younger.


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I see why you are wondering. I mean, she looks like an australorp but also ... There's something different about her that I can't put my finger on. Maybe you are right, just a late bloomer. Maybe someone else can give more insight?
Pics of one of our other australorps. The other 3 australorps have similiar combs and wattles. All the other chickens that were bought at the same place and same day already have their combs and wattles. Which is why I'm really unsure of whats going on.

I wasn't sure where to post it since I just dont know if its a health, growth or a breed issue.

We've looked up Marans and I've seen pictures of the Ayam Cemani or whatever those black skinned chickens are but I just don't know. It's our first flock and we werent to interested in chickens before so not to knowledgeable about anything lol


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She does have a Black Australorp look to her (I've shared several photos of ours from day 2-3 if you check out my content -- I don't have all photos on my phone)

Our second set of BAs , our Trio we call them, are 18 weeks and just now starting to redden up except one. Same went with our first five BAs, three went red at 16 weeks(laying at 18-20) and two just now turning red(22weeks).

Curious, what kind of feed? Maybe she needs a bit extra, like wet mash(feed) mixed with well cooked eggs blended up ? We do that with ours maybe once a week. But do plan on keeping our girls on the dumor chick start and grow.

Oh, also, there is a skin/leg difference in colors for Black Jersey Giants and Black Australorp ?

Does she have a green sheen like the others?

Good luck!


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She does have a Black Australorp look to her (I've shared several photos of ours from day 2-3 if you check out my content -- I don't have all photos on my phone)

Our second set of BAs , our Trio we call them, are 18 weeks and just now starting to redden up except one. Same went with our first five BAs, three went red at 16 weeks(laying at 18-20) and two just now turning red(22weeks).

Curious, what kind of feed? Maybe she needs a bit extra, like wet mash(feed) mixed with well cooked eggs blended up ? We do that with ours maybe once a week. But do plan on keeping our girls on the dumor chick start and grow.

Oh, also, there is a skin/leg difference in colors for Black Jersey Giants and Black Australorp ?

Does she have a green sheen like the others?

Good luck!
My mom buys Purina Flock Raiser. But since they were a few weeks old we've offered different treats and snacks and have been trying to make sure she gets some. Plus they are free range almost everyday.. Where there coop is a bunch of wild berry bushes and honeysuckle. Probably once a week I'll go out and trim some stems with alot of honey suckle berries for them they love it. It's also funny watching them jump for them.

I give them all day access to food now. I just havent lowered feed ammount since getting rid of two roosters and losing a brahma to a fox. So its not on purpose. But I sometimes find her back in the run alone eating. And while I'm in there doing water the rest of the chickens will try to get away from me but she comes to eat while im there.

Her legs to me seem like the same color of the other australorps.

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