Lash Egg

Alexandra Runner

Jun 26, 2023
Hello all!
I had a hen lay a lash egg this morning. She's been acting off for a while: pale comb, not laying, sitting around more than usual. In the last week she has seemed to be doing better, but there was a lash egg under her spot on the roosts this morning. I am not going to euthanize her, since she is still acting like she enjoys life.

My questions are: Is there anything I could have dome to prevent this, and Will any others get it?

Background information: I have a mixed flock of ages and breeds. The hen in question (Delta) is from my original batch of Rhode Island Reds who turned two years old earlier this month. I use droppings boards which I clean and sprinkle SweetCoop on every morning. Their waterers are cleaned weekly and sprayed out more often than that. I put Apple Cider Vinegar (Bragg's) in their water at a rate of one tablespoon ACV to one gallon of water. They are on a locally made feed with 20% protien. I can answer questions about their lifestyle and my care if it would help, but that's all I can thknk of that would help right now.
I've looked at that article many times, but what I don't understand with Delta is how she got it. She is over two years old (but barely, at that), but she has never been obese or had respitory problems, and vent picking has never been a problem in my flock. The only thing I can think of that might have lowered her immune system was when she lost her best friend eight or so months ago. She sulked around for a week, but was fine after that.

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