Lame duck Help!


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2020
Kent, Uk
Hello, hoping someone may be able to offer advice.
Our call duck has suddenly become lame in one leg.
He is 3 years old and has previously always been in good health.
He free ranges in the day in our garden with his brother, and is locked in a coop at night.
2 nights ago when I put him away, he was clearly limping, though able to stumble the distance back to his coop, about 100 yards.
The next morning he was not able to stand on one leg much at all, and was sitting most of the time instead of standing. I took him to the vets that morning who said the leg was not fractured. He prescribed an anti inflammatory painkiller (loxicom) for ten days but didn’t seem to know what was causing it.
It’s only the second day he’s had the painkiller but he’s made no improvement and I’m just worried as to what could be the cause.
There is a cut on the top of his foot, which the vet was not concerned about. I’ve been treating it with an antibacterial cream. I did wonder today if something could have fallen on his toe and hurt it and that’s what causing the limp? I’ve attached a photo so you can see both feet, and the sole of the lane one. I might be imagining it, but I thought the middle toe, where the cut is, looks a bit swollen?
Other info that might be useful:
He is fed layers pellets in the day, and mixed corn when in his coop at night.
He lives with his brother. They are strongly bonded but do have short bursts of fighting with each other. I can’t imagine that this is an injury from that though.
He’s always had more of a rolling waddle than his brother, and in the past has had the occasional day when he seems to stumble forwards as if his leg is painful, but he’s always been fine the next day and never any signs of Bumblefoot.
He’s eating fine, and seems fine in himself. He can stand and hobble if he needs to, and is not agitated when I examine or touch his leg and foot.
Any advice gratefully received!


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I think it's niacin deficiency, male birds should eat layer feed and corn should not be fed every day because it will make them fat and dilute nutrients.
Your ducks need duck feed, with some niacin supplement such as brewers yeast.
You can take home off the drugs, he likely doesn't need them.
I think it's niacin deficiency, male birds should eat layer feed and corn should not be fed every day because it will make them fat and dilute nutrients.
Your ducks need duck feed, with some niacin supplement such as brewers yeast.
You can take home off the drugs, he likely doesn't need them.
Thanks so much for your advice. I’ll restart the brewers yeast immediately, they had this as ducklings. They do have ducks layers pellets, but I’ll stop the evening corn.
Do you know how long it might take for him to recover? I feel so bad for him just sitting when he’s normally so active.
Thanks so much for your advice. I’ll restart the brewers yeast immediately, they had this as ducklings. They do have ducks layers pellets, but I’ll stop the evening corn.
Do you know how long it might take for him to recover? I feel so bad for him just sitting when he’s normally so active.
You're welcome. A few days to a few weeks depending how bad the deficiency was. I think most mix a table spoonfuls into their food every day just keep them in top form

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