Lady Amherst - pure breed or mutant?

As far as i know these are pure dark Lady-Amherst pheasants, there are two mutations, the dark and the diluted, you never get al the same off-spring if you breed red golden-Lady hybrids together,
Where are these from, i would love to get some, i already have the diluted, but find these really gorgeous,

Peacock, I agree they are very interesting and your comments on them I find intriguing. I've always loved ruffed pheasants and the different varieties. You seem quite sure about what these are... Can you provide more info on their history and why you have reason to believe they are "pure dark Lady-Amherst pheasants"?
Normally if you start producing offspring from hybrids they will never all look the same, a friend op mine hatched a few last year but he couldn't rear them they were to weak. I heard that there are several dark Lady's in Germany and i am still waiting for pictures of a friend who bought a bird from Germany last year,

included some pics of my diluted ones, they are like the yellow golden, the hens,

Greetz Peacock

where do the original birds come from, can i contact the breeder because i really would like to have these in my collection, they are absolutely astonishing,

Normally if you start producing offspring from hybrids they will never all look the same, a friend op mine hatched a few last year but he couldn't rear them they were to weak. I heard that there are several dark Lady's in Germany and i am still waiting for pictures of a friend who bought a bird from Germany last year,

included some pics of my diluted ones, they are like the yellow golden, the hens,

Greetz Peacock

With these pics, I believe they are hybrid from Yellow Golden and Lady Amherst. Thanks for share.
I want to add that I'm not knocking either philosophy -- each approaches keeping birds from a different perspective, and each breeds birds to fulfill those desires. There are many buyers who are interested in simply having attractive and interesting birds, and for them, the farmer/rancher/chicken-keeper philosophy satisfies that. Likewise, those who are interested in maintaining in captivity a representative sample of a wild species also have valid interests, though the birds they desire must pass through stricter requirements. The conflict arises when a member of the first group tries to pass off his birds as being able to satisfy the requirements set by the second group. Thus for members of the second group, the Golden pheasants (for example) that are bred in a variety of mutations which arose from hybridization do not meet their criteria as being "true Golden pheasants" despite the fact that the members of the first group consider them to be so.


I largely agree, but believe the real conflict comes when people want to be members of the second group, but have neither the diligence nor patience to meet the criteria.
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were did you get the pictures of the dark lady, can you give me the contact info off the breeder, the diluted ones come from American import and have bred thrue in this colour for 20 years, if the bird is bred to a normal Lady, you get pure lady males and hens split for the diluted gene, if they were hybrids there should be difference in the young males, in the literature they speak about this colour as the only Lady Mutant,

hi peacock,
These pics were taken at Thailand, they raised pheasants more than 20 years ago. So I believe they had enough time to hybrid Lady and Red Golden to black Lady and some colours, and those time enough leng to creat pure colour in them. Hope it right. The pic below is from same breeder, they more dark than Dark throat Golden.

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I would like to buy the dark Lady, were can i get them, because you said you were gonna buy them, do you have an email of the breeder?



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