Ladder as roost??


12 Years
Jan 13, 2008
Sacramento, CA
So I am building a new coop! I am converting over a metal shed so I want to try to attach as little as possible to the walls... I was thinking about using a ladder for the roost? Anyone think this would be a good/bad idea? Or better yet is anyone doing this? The girls right now free range most nights and when they do they have decided that my gardening bench is a great roost...... There is a little shelf on poles over the bench that they have claimed as it is the highest point in the yard they can get to...
Any thoughts would be great! Thanks!

Edited to say that I was thinking like a pool ladder that has steps up both sides!
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Considering your climate I don't see it as being an issue. if you where in a cold climate area the risk of frost, frostbite and feet freezing to it would be a potential problem.
Yea it rarely drops below freezing here... and it will be in the coop which will be closed, I will have power in there to have a heat lamp for them at night so there shouldn't be any frost issue, I was also looking at the pool type of ladder which has plastic steps so it wouldn't be nearly as cold on their little toes!
A friend had a ladder in a coop that was set at an angle, much like a quilt display rack style ladder. Had 4 rungs on it I think. Chickens seem to like it just fine and they used all the rungs. I have thought about doing something similar in mine when I get it built. Maybe find an old busted up ladder with the 1" dowel type rungs on it. Or retrofit an old one to make it 2 to 3 times wider.
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People use metal sheds for chickens around here all the time and we get temps down to -30 F.

Dh tried to be nice and built our girls a roost just like the books suggest. They prefer a plain 2x4 over any ladder/stair type roost. We have at least 50 chickens out there and only 4 will roost on the ladder-type roosts. BUT they LOVE those 2x4s! So, I wouldn't use a swimming pool type ladder.

However, if that is the only thing your girls have to choose from - it might not make a difference. Ours have a choice. I bet they'd sit on the regular-type roosts if that was all they had.

Good luck!
I'm thinking it is the only tall thing in the shed they should sit on it! I just don't trust the walls to secure 2x4s to them and have it hold the weight of the wood and the birds... If I was putting up a shelf I just wouldn't put anything breakable on it but since the birds are breakable.......
I will just have to give it a try and see if they will get on them!
I used part of a ladder for a roost for my big cochins. I have a wooden bar at one end that I leaned the ladder against at a slant, then nailed it together.

Around here, we use what's available! And we have lots of "recycled materials" in our coops! I also look at the resale stores.

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