Ko Shamo breeders?


May 11, 2020
I’ve been trying to make an account with Japan Yahoo Auction, but it’s not taking my phone number. I don’t mind shipping a live bird from there if I have to.
Does anyone know of any KO breeders?
There are a lot of them in the US if you know where to look! I myself have them. What state are you in? Perhaps I can suggest a local to you breeder.
I also adore your little guy! His posture is perfect. Where did you get him?

My Blue Wheaten? He came from Jen Cadwell :) Brian Decker is another reliable breeder that I've gotten stock from, you can find him in the Ko Shamo Exhibitors and Breeders USA group on Facebook.
My Blue Wheaten? He came from Jen Cadwell :) Brian Decker is another reliable breeder that I've gotten stock from, you can find him in the Ko Shamo Exhibitors and Breeders USA group on Facebook.
What a coincidence- my uncle referred me to Jen’s site since they know each other. One last question: does your little guy have a good split wing? I decided to purchase from her after reading your response and was wondering if her birds have a split.
What a coincidence- my uncle referred me to Jen’s site since they know each other. One last question: does your little guy have a good split wing? I decided to purchase from her after reading your response and was wondering if her birds have a split.

He does!

By the way, she posted her birds for sale this morning, and she doesn't have a ton this year. You'll want to take a look and see if any catch your eye before they sell.

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