Kentucky Henitentiary


Apr 29, 2023
Hey folks, my wife and I (mostly my wife) have dove into the chicken raising scene. Last year we (she) ordered 25 various breeds, Buff Orpingtons, Delaware, Blue Andalusian, Buff Laced Polish, Cochins, Brown Leghorn and Bielefelders. Anyways, we took delivery of 28, and we lost 3 after the first week or so :(. But I converted a pony stall in our barn into a coop and attached a 30ft run to it and it's working out pretty nicely so far.

We have one sick bird currently, happened a day after we moved them to the coop, it's one of the Polish but we used some advice we read here and isolated her. They are all about 9 weeks old now, and because we got 3 extra chickens who were not sex'd, we ended up with two Delaware roosters and one Blue Andalusian rooster.

We are looking to try and treat the one sick bird with Valbazen based on the symptoms but we are brand new to this so we really don't know.

This is the thread we ended up on:

Wish us luck and we look forward to sharing this experience with this group!

-The Kentucky Henitentiary
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

So glad you decided to join us. Your flock sounds lovely, makes for a colorful chicken yard for sure! I am sorry you have a sick bird. :hugs I would definitely start a thread in our Emergency forums before you start treatments, maybe someone can give you more help.

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our community!
Hey folks, my wife and I (mostly my wife) have dove into the chicken raising scene. Last year we (she) ordered 25 various breeds, Buff Orpingtons, Delaware, Blue Andalusian, Buff Laced Polish, Cochins, Brown Leghorn and Bielefelders. Anyways, we took delivery of 28, and we lost 3 after the first week or so :(. But I converted a pony stall in our barn into a coop and attached a 30ft run to it and it's working out pretty nicely so far.

We have one sick bird currently, happened a day after we moved them to the coop, it's one of the Polish but we used some advice we read here and isolated her. They are all about 9 weeks old now, and because we got 3 extra chickens who were not sex'd, we ended up with two Delaware roosters and one Blue Andalusian rooster.

We are looking to try and treat the one sick bird with Valbazen based on the symptoms but we are brand new to this so we really don't know.

This is the thread we ended up on:

Wish us luck and we look forward to sharing this experience with this group!

-The Kentucky Henitentiary
There's so much information here you will get lost in the threads.
Hope your chick gets better, soon.
Hey folks, my wife and I (mostly my wife) have dove into the chicken raising scene. Last year we (she) ordered 25 various breeds, Buff Orpingtons, Delaware, Blue Andalusian, Buff Laced Polish, Cochins, Brown Leghorn and Bielefelders. Anyways, we took delivery of 28, and we lost 3 after the first week or so :(. But I converted a pony stall in our barn into a coop and attached a 30ft run to it and it's working out pretty nicely so far.

We have one sick bird currently, happened a day after we moved them to the coop, it's one of the Polish but we used some advice we read here and isolated her. They are all about 9 weeks old now, and because we got 3 extra chickens who were not sex'd, we ended up with two Delaware roosters and one Blue Andalusian rooster.

We are looking to try and treat the one sick bird with Valbazen based on the symptoms but we are brand new to this so we really don't know.

This is the thread we ended up on:

Wish us luck and we look forward to sharing this experience with this group!

-The Kentucky Henitentiary
Valbazen is used to deworm. At the young age of 9 weeks you most likely do NOT have a serious worm issue.

Can you give a few more details about this one bird..
What's it doing?

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