Keeping track of eggs and dates


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jul 22, 2008
I have been putting eggs into empty cartons and putting them in my fridge. Kids come along and add or take some out, so I am not sure any more which are the oldest. We are starting to get at least 5 eggs regularly each day now, but that will soon pick up because I have 18 pullets.

Is there a way that you keep your eggs dated? Do any of you label the eggs if so how and with what do you label them?

I used to get confused, even though I had a system of rotation in the fridge. For months now, I have kept a pencil in my egg basket. I write the date on the end of the egg. Then, even if I need to wash off the poo later, the date is there.
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Pencil is good, I would prefer a soft crayon. you can then use color codes as well as writing the day of the week it was collected. It depends on how many get consumed quickly.
Thanks for all the great responses!

Color code with crayons! You must be very organized.

I have lots of pencils around and will date that way. Maybe I will try color coding at some point but right now things are crazy around here with showing at the county fair.

Thanks again for all the great responses.

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